1. Welcome: Wardens Val Jutsum & Jim Kurmis (Jim had to work and was unable to attend)

  2. Introduction of Chris Nuccitelli (director of A Meal and More) and Brad Hurst (Security for a Meal and More)

  3. Elections: Bill Soleim (nominating committee)

For Vestry (3-year terms): Jeremy Cooney, Jim Ford, Jim Kurmis

For Warden (2 year term): Deb VanderBilt

Thanks to those completing their terms!

Jim Kurmis (Warden), 

John D’Amanda, Jeremy Cooney, Deb VanderBilt (Vestry)

Unless there are objections, a single slate will be voted on by the parish.

  1. Presentation of the 2025 Budget: Norm Geil & Meg Love

  2. Music Report: Stephen Kennedy and Andrew

  3. Search Committee Report: Meg Love

  4. Warden’s Report: Val Jutsum & Jim Kurmis

  5. Volunteer/participation opportunities at Christ Church: Committee leaders

The Start of the Numbers

So-How are we doing?

I think the Rochester community really needs us.

This is why I think this.

There are students coming into the building all day long. The keypad on the Broadway door needs to be replaced because it gets used so much.

We have 2 websites- The CCR website and the older newsletter website- The Song

The action of people taking interest and going to your website is called traffic.

CCR Website, from last year until yesterday had traffic of 29.2K page views.     

The traffic on the SONG 8K. So far this year we’ve had 206 people go to our page with the bulletin for the Sunday Holy Eucharist.

The combination for both sites is 39,000 visits since last year’s annual meeting.

YouTube-  267 subscribers with 303 videos. Our average service on Sundays has between 45 and 90 views. An event like Christmas Eve or 12th Night or, this year, Lessons and Carols, will have from 100-300 views online. Lessons and Carols had 127 watch it, as well as the people who were actually in the room.

Our YouTube channel has had 29,991 views to date.


One of the things that we’ve did since last year‘s annual meeting was be a part of electing a new bishop.

We had a Shrove Tuesday potluck which also included pancakes.

We had a Lenten wilderness meditation.

We had a Joan of Arc concert for the entire Rochester community. that showed a classic art film with amazing music composed by Stephen Kennedy and performed by the Christ Church Schola Cantorum.

We had an event which was a dinner party And a planning meeting. It took two days. It was called around the next corner and we made some plans, all without suspecting that we would be fulfilling those plans without a Rector.

We had not one but two parish picnics.

We stood tall at the bishops consecration.

We accepted with sadness and anticipation our future without Ruth when she told us that she was leaving.

We had Saint Francis Day. Ruth blessed our animals

We had Ruth’s last day. We blessed Ruth

We had an All Saints Day jazzy dinner party to remind us that we are all saints of God.

We had Lessons and Carols.

We had an advent gospel study in between services for the four weeks.

We celebrated a beautiful Christmas together.

We had our bishop Kara Wagner Sherer make her first visit

and at that visit eight people were confirmed into our community.

We had a Twelfth Night service which was stunningly beautiful and we gave it freely to the community.

Sue Parmerter was baptized last week.

We had two inauguration events, twin devotions. The first was based on Yoko Ono’s  “cut piece” a performance called Do not look away. It incorporated a meditative kind of deep listening.

We also had peaceful reflections which we opened to the community for their Experience of contemplation, centering relief, and emotional safety. We did that with the help of Grace Browning and her husband Benjamin Krug. Grace plays the harp for the RPO. Ben plays cello. This just happened this last week!


A Meal & More Annual Report

2024 was a year of transition for our program. We have had to restaff and reorganize the way we run the operation. Through all of this we have emerged stronger and better able to serve our guests. We continue to offer in-room dining as well as takeout of hot meals. In addition, we provide a bag lunch for our guests that do not have available refrigeration or reheating ability. We continue to see some of our guests taking their time eating and relaxing in the dining room for a few moments; this may be one of the few times some of our guests are indoors and feel safe. In 2024 the total number of meals served increased 19.9% over the previous year. We have also seen the number of people requesting take-out meals increasing to about 125 per week. As a result of this high level of to-go lunches, there is a cost impact.  A Meal & More spends more than $400 each month just on the supplies (not including food) to support the take-out operation.

We are committed to growing the program in 2025 and beyond utilizing our existing facilities, staff and volunteer resources. Funding through individual donors and churches has increased year over year, even as grant monies through NYS and Foodlink have been reduced. This has allowed us to keep pace with rising food prices and the purchase of additional food and supplies to meet this growing demand. We have added to our Board additional people with skills in organization, donor development, and grant writing. Our budget for food and supplies will increase 30% in 2025 to meet the demand and the challenge of food inflation. Our balance sheet remains strong and will allow us to expand our program and reach out to the surrounding neighborhood and make take-out meals available to those living nearby and not able to come to pick up a meal. In addition, A Meal & More is taking the lead in creating the Rochester Association of Meal Providers (RAMP) bringing together meal providers, local government, and food suppliers to share ideas, resources and strategies to feed more people in the Rochester Metro area. 

A Meal & More continues to embrace the example of Jesus to welcome all to our community table. We are excited for our friends, volunteers, and supporting organizations to work with us in bringing the program to the next level and help reduce food insecurity in the Rochester Center City neighborhood. 


Chris Nuccitelli, President

A Meal And More, Inc.

25 Broadway

Rochester, NY 14607

Christ Church Music Program Report for Annual Meeting January, 2025

Submitted by Stephen Kennedy Music Director

Christ Church Rochester

“Compline last night was probably one of the most moving experiences in my life. I've attended a few Compline

services, but none were as rewarding as yours.... They (the Schola) were exquisite!” ― Dr. Craig Scott Symons,

Director of Music/Organist, First UMC, Royal Oak, MI

Many people tell me how they experience solace, joy, and inspiration from music at Christ Church. They say

how music in our liturgies is essential -- how it touches them, gives meaning, and transforms them. Our music

program is bringing about positive change, harmony, and balance in people’s lives. Key to this is the quality of

the music, borne out of the weekly rhythm of practice, pedagogy, and performance.

At Christ Church, our historic building, liturgical heritage, acoustics, and partnership with a leading music

school result in an unusual and distinctive program. We perform our musical tasks with generosity and love

help us to appreciate and care about each other. We consider ourselves fortunate to serve our liturgies,

nurture our parish and community, and further the education of future leaders in the profession of sacred


Music being fundamental to our parish life is also our biggest outreach to the greater community and helps

grow our parish. For many, Compline, Tuesday Pipes, and our Candlelight Concert Series have become an

indispensable part of their lives. At Christ Church, ancient traditions and present-day modes of musical

expression are a healing balm for mind and spirit, serve our liturgies, nurture our parishioners, revitalize the

community, make Christ Church a destination for many, and educate future leaders in the profession of sacred


New and notable accomplishments in our program from 2024

• Added 4 volunteer Christ Church Choir members. Each is new to the parish.

• Added 2 more paid Choral Scholars to the CC Choir

• Added 1 new Compline Usher

• Created the Christ Church Children’s Choir directed by Andrew Johnson

• Requested The Very Rev'd William H. Petersen, Emeritus Dean & Professor of Bexley Hall Seminary to

adjust controversial text in Charles Wesley’s Advent hymn “Lo! he comes with clouds descending” for

our use. He responded with appropriate text adjustments which will be published in NAAL's 2024

journal Proceedings.

• Held Schola Cantorum recording sessions

• Held Concert film Fundraiser “Joan of Arc” for CC Building Fund and Friends of Music Fund

• Purchased a Renaissance Dulzian (early bassoon) for the Schola Cantorum and added an ESM student

player for it

• Experimented with Cori spezzati in the Schola Cantorum through large scale Renaissance works. This is

an Italian Renaissance technique where choirs are divided into separated groups: two in the

Chancel and one in the Gallery.

• Compline at Christ Church received a notable mention in Rev. Robert Picken’s new book: A Manual

for Altar Guilds: Theology, History, and practice (2024 Church Publishing)

• 4 new composicons were composed for and premiered by the Schola Cantorum• Experimented with new ways for cantors to chant the Gradual Psalm within the Sunday Eucharist

• Implemented a process for Compline being performed in memory of a loved one with donations

Going toward new choir vestments

• Created a new format for our 12th Night Celebration. (We will consider holding 12th night on the actual

date of 12th Night in the coming year)

• A community member who adends Compline regularly was inspired to donate $20,000 to the parish in

May 2024. “It’s really the least I can do, given how I feel about Compline. Your “outreach” to me, in the

form of Compline, now constitutes my church affiliation. It’s a purely spiritual practice that is an anchor

for my weekends.”



Andrew Johnson, Assistant Organist & VanDelinder Prize

Jimmy Jeffery, VanDelinder Fellow

Dominic Fiacco, VanDelinder Fellow

(Roy E. VanDelinder Fellowships & Prize funded through the Community FoundaQon)

Stephen Kennedy, music director

David Higgs, associate organist

William Porter, associate organist


Thatcher Lyman & Jon Madden, assistant directors

Charles Francis, organist


John Kirkpatrick, Lydia Worboys, Thatcher Lyman, and Joshua Bassette

CHORAL SCHOLARS (for the Christ Church Choir)

Caroline Barata, Anna Bjerken, Michael Cullinan, Karen Goldfeder, Andrea McGaugh, Caleb Meyerhoff, Maya



CHRIST CHURCH CHILDREN’S CHOIR (currently 4 members)

In 2024, we started the Christ Church Children’s Choir, directed by Andrew Johnson. This is a fun and

rewarding way for youth to be involved in Christ Church’s liturgy and music program. This choir is geared

towards children grades K-3, incorporating singing and movement through engaging activities to teach basic

musicianship skills. We have about 4 kids who participate in this choir and we hope to attract more kids. This is

a great way to learn social skills and to interact through learning and making music together. Weekly

rehearsals are held in the second-floor nursery for 20 minutes on Sundays directly following the 11:00 a.m.

Eucharist. Please feel free to contact Andrew Johnson or Stephen Kennedy if you have a child interested in

participating or if you have any questions about our program.CHRIST CHURCH CHOIR (26 singers: 19 volunteers and 7 paid Choral Scholars)

This ensemble sings parts of the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Eucharist. This audiconed choir builds upon a long

tradicon of musical quality through a broad variety of musical styles. Repertoire includes Gregorian Chant and

motets from the Renaissance to the present day. Membership is drawn from parishioners of Christ Church,

students from the Eastman School of Music, and individuals from the Rochester community. Rehearsals are on

Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., as well as on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. This choir is

accve from September through Pentecost Sunday. We are looking for more parishioners and community

members to join us in making music. Please contact Stephen Kennedy.

SCHOLA CANTORUM (38 singers and 8 instrumentalists: all who volunteer their time and talent)

“The Christ Church Schola Cantorum... sings beautifully.” Fanfare magazine. Founded in 1997 by Stephen

Kennedy, the Schola performs the Office of Compline each Sunday evening from October through April at

Christ Church in Rochester NY. Rochester Magazine called it “The coolest, most unusual music experience in

the city...” Participation in the Schola is offered for course credit at the Eastman School of Music. Recordings

by the Schola are sold internationally and you can watch and listen to us on YouTube. This acclaimed

ensemble brings notoriety to our parish and provides special formation for future leaders in music. Alumni of

the Schola go on to hold prominent positions in major churches, institutions of learning, orchestras, and


“The recording is beautiful, and I am glad to have been introduced to the Schola Cantorum and the work of

Stephen Kennedy. The CD has been a joy to listen to.....terrific sound, wonderfully balanced with perfect

pacing!” May 7, 2008

Steve Staruch, Host/Cultural Programming, Minnesota Public Radio

COMPLINE (Performed by the Schola Cantorum) Is one of Rochester's most highly attended liturgies

and is certainly "the place to be" on Sunday nights. This large and faithful congregation consists mostly of people

from outside the parish. However, there are always newcomers present each Sunday night. The plate offering

of about $3,500 annually is given to the parish’s general operating budget. Many of Christ Church’s new

members had their first experience of Christ Church at Compline.


We are incredibly thankful to our team of ushers and candlelighters who perform the essencal duces and see

to the funcconing of Sunday night Compline. These people make Compline possible each Sunday night at

9:00pm (Oct. through April). Members of this team are: Jim Ford, Marc St. George, Michael Ghera, Pru

Kirkparcck, Kristy and Kyle Lyddell, Fred Scipione, and Deb Vanderbilt

We also recognize and thank Pru Kirkpatrick for her invaluable work with Compline candles and hoscng

recepcons aper Compline each first Sunday of the month. These recepcons are the only way our Compline

congregacon can gather in a meet-and-greet environment.

CANDLELIGHT CONCERT SERIES*: (October 2024-April 2025 season)

October 6: Sangmi Kang performs on the historic gayageum

November 3: Andrea McGaugh & Gregory Smith: “La chanson d’Eve” by Gabriel Fauré

December 1: William Porter, organist: Music of Böhm and Bach

January 5: Benjamin Doane: Cello Suite No. 3 by J. S. Bach

February 2: Jeffrey Thompson and Deborah Fox: “Forever young” English lute songs

March 2: Daniel Kuehler and Elizabeth Crecca, piano: Piano Sonata by David Temperley

April 6: Thatcher Lyman, Organist(*Concerts funded by Christ Church “Friends of Music Fund”)


is a weekly 25- minute pipe organ concert series on Tuesdays from 12:10. Performers are ESM students, faculty, and

invited guests.


JOAN OF ARC silent film from 1928 by Carl Dryer: Music designed by Stephen Kennedy with Edoardo Bellos,

William Porter, and the Schola Cantorum. This event raised over thousand dollars for the Building Fund and for Friends of Music.


CC Choir members assisted with a graduate student applicacon to Eastman’s by accng as a lab choir

(videotaping project applicacon for the graduate study in choral conduccng at Eastman


• Create a choir room for rehearsing ensembles

• Add Chancel Lighting for reading music and to highlight its beauty

• Expand the volunteer membership of the Christ Church Choir

• Expand the membership of the Christ Church Children’s Choir

• Enlist parish support in grant writing

• Concnue with Schola Cantorum recording project

• Work with the ESM Organ Department to find ways to improve the quality of the small chancel organ

• Find more ways to attract more people into the parish

• Increase parish support at Compline in ushering, lighting candles, and helping with building security


1. Serve on a rotation as Compline usher and candlelighter

2. Become a greeter at Tuesday Pipes

3. Help with Compline setup each Sunday following the 11:00 a.m. Eucharist 4. Help us in idencfying grants

and in grant writing

5. Donate to Christ Church “Friends of Music” Fund

6. Purchase Christ Church CD recordings to give as gifts for your friends and family members

7. Bring a music-lover friend to a Christ Church liturgy or music event

8. Consider auditioning for the Christ Church Choir

9.Tell your friends about all the fantastic music opportunities here at Christ Church

Search Committee Update

Members: Doris Bailey-Gordon, Chris Brennan, Pru Kirkpatrick, Kyle Liddel, Meg Love (chair), Carolyn Mauro, Bill Porter, Emmarae Stein, Mary Vukman

Status: We are in Phase I (data gathering and development of written materials) of a six-phase process.

We’ve met twice and have been joined each time by Rev. Virginia Tyler-Smith, Transitions Officer for the Diocese. In our most recent meeting, we reviewed the results of a survey we completed entitled 36 Characteristics of a Parish Priest. The survey allowed us to rank and then discuss those traits we consider “must have,” those that are “nice to have,” and those that are less important as it relates to how we see the needs of our parish. In an effort to gather input from the parish as a whole, the Committee would like to solicit YOUR feedback. In the coming weeks we will offer multiple ways for you to share your hopes and wishes, using a similar “must have – nice to have – less important” format. In order to capture as much input as possible we’ll offer multiple methods, including:

• Large boards to capture your written thoughts during Sunday Coffee Hour

• Email

• Drop notes in a box that we’ll have available in the back of church

• Speak with a Committee member at any time

More information to come – listen for announcements, check your email and follow along via The Song.

We appreciate your continued prayers!

Christ Church Annual Meeting, 26 January 2025

Property Report

Greetings from the Property Committee of Christ Church: Nancy Norwood, John Fields, Kyle Liddell, Steve Iaia, and Ron Vukman.

The Property Committee advanced all of our goals for 2024, including:

  • The narthex and flat south side roofs were repaired. Water was actively leaking into the church, theater, and basement. While there is still some work to be done, the majority has been accomplished.

  • We replaced the carpet in the Guild Room.

  • We (thank you, Deb VanderBilt and Norma Hopcraft!) obtained a grant from Rochester Area Community Foundation to replace the hardwood floor in Wilder Hall. This work will occur in April or May 2025.

  • We repaired the two Henry Sharp historic windows in honor of the Lovecraft Family in the chapel. We also installed for new interior lighting behind the glass.

  • We conserved our Richard Robbins nativity crèche set in time for Christmas 2024.

  • We obtained estimates for installing an elevator between the first and second floor, with the eventual goal of making Christ Church fully accessible.

  • We consulted with a sound specialist for improving the sound and streaming of services

Property goals for 2025

  • Repair the damage caused by the leaking roof(s), including plaster and stencil repair in the church and plaster repair in the basement and theater.

  • Upgrade the sound system in the church

  • Facilitate the door replacement, exterior lighting, and security system under the NYS grant

  • Repair the Tiffany floor mosaic in the chancel

  • Find solutions for ground-floor storage for choir robes and music

  • Install a fireplace insert in the Guild Room

Looking to the Future

  • Create a multi-year maintenance plan for the building

  • Create a plan for making Christ Church fully accessible


     What do I like about serving on the Chancel Crew? There are so many things.

     The Chancel is where the action is. It is all about worshipping our wonderful God, up close and personal. Every week is a little different.

     Those who serve on the Chancel get a special view of God’s people, who have come with all of their own reasons, to join us on that occasion.

     We are also privy to watch the different formations of the choir and organists. They remind me of a well trained football team who constantly line up differently at the line of scrimmage.

     We are given the best seats in the house, in terms of closeness to the choir and the Hook and Hastings organ, as well as many guest musicians.

     We share in the countless dramas which happen on a weekly basis, on the stage of the Lord.

     Psalm 84, verses 1 and 9:

1 How dear to me is your dwelling, O LORD of hosts!

       My soul has a desire and longing for the courts of the LORD;

       My heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God.

9.  For one day in your courts is better than

                                   A thousand in my own room…

-Dave Jutsum


The Altar Guild is a group of volunteers who prepare the church for worship by setting up for the eucharist and caring for candles and altar linens. We have a need for 2 volunteers to wash up and put away the communion vessels after the 11:00 service. It takes about 10 minutes once a month. -Bill Soleim


Let’s Build Together is the official name of the LEGO® building club which meets each week in the Sacristy, from 1-3:00. We often start right after the 11;00 service ends. After Children’s Choir, we sometimes go up to the Sunday School Room, in order to avoid extreme cold or heat.You should checkout the Star Destroyer which is currently on display up there.

     One of the LEGO® Brand Promises is the Play Promise: Joy of Building, Pride of Creation. If you have eyes to see, you will find the presence of God all over that Play Promise. That’s what we seek to manifest.

     We hold these treasures in plastic vessels: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).

     That’s the theory. What actually happens is different every week. We have met for 62 weeks, up til now. We have had lots of people come and go. We have many age groups represented. And, we have had plenty of help from so many parents and guardians who often come from afar. Special thanks to Luca who took over when I could not be there! And, to Val for her incredible patience.

     To sum up, we are the coolest little LEGO-building Club, serenaded in the Sacristy by organ students, surrounded by shields on the wall, in the shadow of the Strong Museum.- Dave Jutsum



We have a new warden, Deb VanderBilt and a new vestry member, Jim  Ford. Jim Kurmis has transitioned back to vestry from being a warden and Jeremy Cooney is graciously serving another 3 year term.

We said goodbye to Lucy Alonso, Steve Hart and, Trina Mercado. We will celebrate her life on March 22nd.

I want to acknowledge The Rev. Steven Metcalfe for his loving service to us. He made everything easier. He has been asked by Trina’s family to preside at her memorial service.

We also want to thank our other supply priests, The Rev. Paddy Collins-Bohrer, The Rev. Virginia Mazzarella, for Steve Hart’s funeral, The Rev. Denise Yarborough, The Rev. Dahn Gandell, and The Rev. John Cedarleaf.  We want to also thank our Seminarian David Jutsum, Kevin Finnigan, and Nancy Norwood for their lay leadership, David as a homilist, Kevin for organizing L&C and Nancy for organizing the Advent Study and leading it with John Cedarleaf.

This Saturday we are adding to the many wonders of our shared lives the warm welcome we will give to The Rev. Dr. Julianne Buenting our interim rector. She will take the active role of a rector until we find someone who will be our permanent rector.

Last but not least, the list I just cited is mostly bespoke events. I commend to you the good work done every week in our worship starting with the 8 o’clockers, and the people who shoulder with joy the ministries of music, altar servers and altar guild, Zoom Morning and Evening prayer, Tuesday Pipes, and soon hopefully a mid week Eucharist for us and anyone who wants to receive the blessed sacrament on their lunch hour. Of course a huge shout out to Stephen Kennedy and the Schola Cantorum for the weekly Compline Services and the monthly Candlelight concerts. Thank you Pru for the receptions after.

A BIG Thank you for the work of our search committee.