We had technical problems with the sound for Lent 4. We got them fixed at the marker 37:19 into the stream. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We apologize for the echo in the spoken parts of this Live-stream for the Second Sunday in Lent. We are working on a way to fix it. The music parts are unaffected.
Te Deum window: Christ Church Rochester - Tiffany Studios; with graphic enhancements by David Jutsum
above video for P-22 is delayed for a few seconds
The iconic image above ^ is the button for Trinity Sunday
The program for Joe is available at the link below:
The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost was a Zoom service because of technical difficulties. The sermon given by Ruth Ferguson was recorded separately and can be found by going to the “SERMONS” tab at the top of this website.
The services of Holy Eucharist pre-pandemic are archived as audio files below Bishop Singh’s message for the pandemic in March 2020.
Bishop Prince Singh’s annual visitation to Christ Church
Recording: Hymn 208, “The strife is o’er”
Welcome, and opening remarks about zooming a service! The Rev’d Ruth Ferguson
Officiant: Alleluia! Christ is risen.
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia
The Invitatory and Psalter
All stand
Officiant: Lord, open our lips.
People: And our mouth shall proclaim your praise.
Officiant and People
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
Alleluia. The Lord is risen indeed: Come let us adore him. Alleluia.
Christ our Passover Pascha nostrum
1 Corinthians 5:7-8; Romans 6:9-11; 1 Corinthians 15:20-22
Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; *
therefore let us keep the feast,
Not with old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, *
but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Alleluia.
Christ being raised from the dead will never die again; *
death no longer has dominion over him.
The death that he died, he died to sin, once for all; *
but the life he lives, he lives to God.
So also consider yourselves dead to sin, *
and alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. Alleluia.
Christ has been raised from the dead, *
the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.
For since by a man came death, *
by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, *
so in Christ shall all be made alive. Alleluia.
Psalm 16
Conserva me, Domine
1 Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you; *
I have said to the Lord, “You are my Lord,
my good above all other.”
2 All my delight is upon the godly that are in the land, *
upon those who are noble among the people.
3 But those who run after other gods *
shall have their troubles multiplied.
4 Their libations of blood I will not offer, *
nor take the names of their gods upon my lips.
5 O Lord, you are my portion and my cup; *
it is you who uphold my lot.
6 My boundaries enclose a pleasant land; *
indeed, I have a goodly heritage.
7 I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel; *
my heart teaches me, night after night.
8 I have set the Lord always before me; *
because he is at my right hand I shall not fall.
9 My heart, therefore, is glad, and my spirit rejoices; *
my body also shall rest in hope.
10 For you will not abandon me to the grave, *
nor let your holy one see the Pit.
11 You will show me the path of life; *
in your presence there is fullness of joy,
and in your right hand are pleasures for evermore.
Officiant and People
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as
it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.
Alleluia. The Lord is risen indeed: Come let us adore him. Alleluia.
The Lessons
Epistle 1 Peter 1:3-9
Reader: A reading from the first letter of Peter.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, even if now for a little while you have had to suffer various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith– being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire– may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
Reader:The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Officiant: The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John
People: Glory to you, Lord Christ
18 A Song to the Lamb
Revelation 4:11, 5:9-10, 13
Splendor and honor and kingly power *
are yours by right, O Lord our God,
For you created everything that is, *
and by your will they were created and have their being;
And yours by right, O Lamb that was slain, *
for with your blood you have redeemed for God,
From every family, language, people, and nation, *
a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
And so, to him who sits upon the throne, *
and to Christ the Lamb,
Be worship and praise, dominion and splendor, *
for ever and for evermore.
Gospel John 20:19-31
When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.
Officiant: The Gospel of our Lord
People: Praise to you, Lord Christ
The Rt. Rev’d Prince Singh
The Apostles’ Creed
Officiant and People together
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth;
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
The Prayers of the People of Christ Church
The Rev’d Ruth Ferguson
Officiant: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Officiant Let us pray.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours,
now and for ever. Amen
Officiant: Show us your mercy, O Lord;
People: And grant us your salvation.
Officiant: Clothe your ministers with righteousness;
People: Let your people sing with joy.
Officiant: Give peace, O Lord, in all the world;
People: For only in you can we live in safety.
Officiant: Lord, keep this nation under your care;
People: And guide us in the way of justice and truth.
Officiant: Let your way be known upon earth;
People: Your saving health among all nations.
Officiant: Let not the needy, O Lord, be forgotten;
People: Nor the hope of the poor be taken away.
Officiant: Create in us clean hearts, O God;
People: And sustain us with your Holy Spirit.
A Collect for the Renewal of Life
O God, the King eternal, whose light divides the day from the
night and turns the shadow of death into the morning: Drive
far from us all wrong desires, incline our hearts to keep your
law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that, having
done your will with cheerfulness during the day, we may,
when night comes, rejoice to give you thanks; through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
The Collect of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship of Christ’s Body may show forth in their lives what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The General Thanksgiving
Officiant and People together
Almighty God, Father of all mercies,
we your unworthy servants give you humble thanks
for all your goodness and loving-kindness
to us and to all whom you have made.
We bless you for our creation, preservation,
and all the blessings of this life;
but above all for your immeasurable love
in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ;
for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.
And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies,
that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise,
not only with our lips, but in our lives,
by giving up our selves to your service,
and by walking before you
in holiness and righteousness all our days;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit,
be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.
Let us bless the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia.
Thanks be to God. Alleluia, alleluia.
Time with Bishop Singh
The Bishop will honor those who would have been confirmed, received, and reaffirmed today by responding to a question each will have prepared. Our candidates are: Lucie Parfitt, Annie Jutsum, Anthony Letchworth, Robin Minerva, Joel Wilson, and Samantha Smith. We will all have the chance to mute (!), listen, learn, and ponder as we live out our journeys in faith.
( We sung from our homes while listening to the recorded audio from Palm Sunday 2019.) (This is historic-ed. note)
Zoom Chat CoffeeHour 4/5/2020
A message from Bishop Prince Singh.
This is the announcement of worship during the pandemic.
Editor’s note: there is no audio recording for the Third Sunday of Advent.
Editor’s note: Due to technical difficulties there are gaps in the audio for the Second Sunday of Advent. My apologies.
Editor’s note: Due to inclement weather, the recording for Advent 1 starts at the Psalm and continues to the end. My profound apologies for my tardiness.
editor’s note- due to technical difficulties there is no recording of the service for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany.
The regular monthly vestry minutes are found below the Annual Meeting info.
Attention: The Annual Meeting
took place directly after the 11:00am Eucharist
You can listen to the recording below. The following parishioners were elected to the positions indicated.
Vestry Minutes October 15, 2019
Approval of Garden Contract with Sagamore: Deb briefly described renewal of the Garden Contract between Christ Church and The Sagamore on East Apartments, our neighbor located across the street. Christ Church’s Garden responsibilities are limited to picking up litter, mowing, and weeding. The Sagamore on East Apartments is responsible for "hardscape" and sidewalks, including paying for lighting for pole lights around the center area. Motion to adopt contract passed.
Exterior Lighting: Lighting Dynamic’s proposal was discussed. This proposal is a preliminary study. Possible lighting of the spire, the tower, the walkway, the lower windows, and the garden next to the parking lot were all brought up. The general consensus was that the proposal seemed sound. Vestry, Property, and Capital Campaign should be involved in all future discussions with Lighting Dynamic. A committee including Carolyn (Vestry); Jim and Val (Property); and Deb (Capital Campaign) will meet with a Lighting Dynamic representative to discuss the next steps in the process.
Reports: Meg spoke on several Finance Committee topics, including the fact that the deficit has lowered from projections. Nancy added also that an estimate received for Tiffany windows restoration is less than was expected.
Retreat Discussion: Ruth requested input pertaining to the Blessing of the Pets service. What would you do next year, or change? Attendance of people and animals was up. Facebook Event and sandwich boards publicity were helpful
Revisiting Retreat Topics: Obstacles: Balancing Tradition with New Opportunities.
What is something we could do on Sunday that is different?
Discussed Jazz Mass; Thematic Sunday revolving around a certain person, music, or other theme (i.e. Celtic Mass); Liturgical Dance.
This discussion led to voicing the desire to make some re-connection with our “old neighborhood”, which originally grew this church. It could be labeled as the area from Alexander Street to the Genesee River.
One step in that direction is a mailing sent to residents of that area, informing them of Advent/Christmas doings at Christ Church this year.
New Business: Kyle will include Tuesday Pipes and Thursday Noon Eucharist in the CC Website schedule.
Meeting ended early, but Yankees -Astros playoff game was rained out, anyway. Democratic Presidential Debate went on, unabated.
Jim Kurmis led the closing prayer.
Vestry Minutes Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Present: The Very Rev. Ruth E. Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Deborah VanderBilt,Wardens. Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, Val Jutsum, James Kurmis, Meg Mackey, Carolyn Mauro, Nancy Norwood, Joseph Schaller, Vestry. Excused: Lucia Parfitt. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Deb led the meeting. Jeremy began with the opening prayer. John was in charge of keeping the time.
Property Update:
Kyle reported on progress with the Lawn Street Wall, via e-mail: The upstairs hallway is now usable, but in an unfinished state. The stone work is mostly complete, but we had a slight delay- we needed a piece of flashing constructed for the roof, which had to be installed before the stone work could be completed. Bricks, windows, drywall, and trim come next, in that order. We should have a new schedule update soon.
Rector’s Report: Church Staff Report.
Ruth reported that Moses was injured on the job. This happened while he was replacing a light bulb in a small, semi- enclosed area. He fell and severed the tendon in his right hand. The doctor is optimistic for a good recovery following surgery. William from Meal and More has been hired to work while Moses is out.
Ruth also reported that it will soon be six months since she returned from medical leave. She is engaged in a review process pertaining to her post-Lyme work life.
Warden’s Report:
1. The Nominating Committee will begin in November. Kyle will lead. Joe will be the Vestry representative. Deb will ask the members from last year to return.
2. Deb moved to approve a $3,000 allocation from the Amsted Fund to Deacon Patti Blaine with the intent to be used for a Chaplain class. Meg seconded. Motion passed.
3. Stewardship: Ruth will ask three parishioners to speak at Sunday services about the impact of Christ Church on their lives, in the context of the upcoming Stewardship Campaign. The culmination of the campaign will be the November 15 pot luck dinner.
4. Deb will send the Safe Church link to all Vestry members.
5. Kyle has found a small lift which would work for Christ Church: it is relatively small, light weight, fits in the back of a truck,is on wheels, battery operated, has an emergency crank. The purchase of such a lift could be a theme for the Stewardship Campaign. Kyle and Bill Soleim may be enlisted to speak “on lift behalf “as part of Stewardship Sunday service talks.
Communications Committee:
Forming a working relationship with Causewave Community Partners was discussed. The general intent expressed was to use Causewave support services to enable parishioners to share their vision of Christ Church, past, present, and future. When once we have agreed together about this vision, we can put it into words. Those words can inform many decisions, stretching from how people are greeted, up to how to plan and execute future Capital Campaigns.
Lucie sent this message:
“Causewave will offer the following services to Christ Church during the initial investment:
1. Survey current constituents and partner constituents to determine current impressions;
2. Conduct a workshop with select board members/staff to develop a brand platform in accordance with the survey results and consistent with how the organization’s leadership feels;
3. Follow up with any additional guidance as needed.
The whole process would cost $3,950, including the survey, workshop, and pre- and post- meetings. Causewave will offer $600-$700 to help underwrite the process. The final cost to CC will be approximately $3,350. “
Deb moved we hire Causewave Community Partners at the cost of $3,350 to provide the service Lucie has enumerated, to be paid for by the Capital Campaign, and in the future will come out of operating funds. Joe seconded. Motion passed.
Lucie will contact Rev. Dr. Nancy Farrell, asking her to attend the October Vestry Meeting. The purpose is to hear about her experiences when Causewave worked with Western Presbyterian Church in Palmyra.
Discussion of Retreat Topics: Unified Experience
Under this general heading, several topics were addressed. The topics could be contained under the banner of Gather Together; where we are Transformed by the Eucharist; and then Sent Out to bring people here. Specifically, the context was the upcoming St. Francis Blessing of the Pets Service; adopting the sign which Rev. Virginia Tyler-Smith spoke about at the Vestry Retreat; and, Ruth’s professional anecdotal observations pertaining to building relationships and hospitality currently afoot at Christ Church.
The action items found at the beginning of these Minutes pretty well summarize the discussion surrounding the Blessing of the Pets Service to be held on October 6. The general intent is to use this unique worship experience as an opportunity to inform potential newcomers of our presence, and to bring some of them through our doors.
Here is the wording of the sign which Rev. Tyler-Smith introduced at the Vestry Retreat:
“ We extend a special invitation to those who are single, married, divorced, widowed, straight, gay, confused, well-healed, or down at heel. We especially welcome wailing babies and excited toddlers.
We welcome you whether you can sing like Pavarotti or just growl quietly to yourself. You’re welcome if you’re “ just browsing “, just woken up, or just got out of prison. We don’t care if you’re more Christian than the Archbishop of Canterbury or haven’t been to church since Christmas ten years ago.
We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome keep-fit mums, football dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte sippers, vegetarians and junk food eaters.
We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems, are down in the dumps or don’t like “organized religion."
We offer a welcome to those who think the earth is flat, work too hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or are here because your grandmother is visiting and wanted to come to church.
We welcome those who are inked, pierced, both, or neither. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down their throats as kids, or got lost in downtown Rochester, and ended up here by mistake. We welcome pilgrims, tourists, seekers, doubters...and you! “
There was a discussion. Topics include grammar, punctuation, changing of certain words, and changing the order of paragraphs. Also, potential responses to the sign from both parishioners and strangers; and, different locations, sizes, shapes, materials, and possible Burma Shave technique, were considered.
It was decided that, as of now, a good first step is for Nancy to try her hand at crafting words which more precisely reflect the sensibilities of Christ Church.
Ruth’s Valued Remarks:
In the third aspect of Unified Experience, Ruth shared about some recent experiences with newcomers, which reflect the wide-ranging pantheon of newcomers who have recently expressed an interest in Christ Church. She also mentioned some current endeavors at Christ Church, ranging from a new youth group, to the Legacy Group, in which people are talking openly about the many aspects in dying.
Ad Hoc Items:
Meg reported that the Finance Committee will be meeting soon in order to discuss moving funds from Fidelity to CNB.
1. Deb will send the link for safechurch online training to all Vestry members.
2. Lucie will arrange for Rev. Dr. Nancy Farrell to come to the October Vestry meeting, for the purpose of learning more about about her Presbyterian Church’s experience with Causewave Community Partners.
3. Nancy Norwood will work on the wording of the proposed sign based on the sign which Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith discussed at the August Vestry retreat.
4. Ruth will rest the idea of the sign by “bouncing it off of “ some people whom she knows to be considering joining Christ Church.
5. Many Pets will be blessed, and many new people will be introduced to Christ Church.
Jeremy concluded the meeting by leading the closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk.
*Action items related to Blessing of Pets removed, as the joyful day has passed. (DVB)
Vestry Minutes from the Vestry Retreat Saturday, August 10, 2019
Action Items:
1. Ruth will work on coordinating the efforts of herself, Stephen Kennedy, and Kristy Liddell (bulletins/ prayers of the people) to create more multi-threaded Sunday morning worship experiences.
Present: The Very Rev. Ruth E. Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Deborah VanderBilt,Wardens. Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, Val Jutsum, Jim Kurmis , Meg Mackey, Nancy Norwood, Lucie Parfitt, Joseph Schaller, Excused: Carolyn Mauro. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Communications Committee Update: Lucie reported a contact with one church reference provided by Causewave Community Partners. The Rev. Nancy Frank from a Methodist church in Palmyra had nothing but good things to say about their partnership with Causewave. And, she is willing to come and talk to the Vestry. Rev. Frank told Lucie that her church was in a similar situation to CC: the need for unified identity, and the need to push that out. She also indicated that a church can find ways of making the Causewave methodology more “churchy”. The question was raised: Does this retreat put us in a place to talk to Causewave?
Capital Campaign Update: Lucie reported that the Capital Campaign is now planning its final stages. An event marking the end of the Capital Campaign is being planned. This event, on April 18, 2020, will be built around the viewing of the silent film, The Passion of Joan of Arc, with musical accompaniment by Stephen Kennedy, and the Schola Cantorum. The Committee is experiencing renewed energy as it makes its final push to fill remaining gaps. The last event will be about two weeks before the beginning of the Sanctuary repair work.
Security Committee update: Jeremy reported another Security Meeting will be held in the week which follows the retreat. Ruth reported that the Lawn St. door will remain locked on Sunday mornings until 9:30; The parking lot door will be locked on Sunday mornings bags until 7:30.
Also, Ruth reported that the staff and Executive Committee have received Active Shooter Training. Other formal training options are being considered.
Ruth led the Vestry in a brief tutorial about the difference between high church and low church. Traditionally, High Church refers to an emphasis on the authority of church leadership, whereas Low Church would be more akin to embracing the authority of the Word.
Most people make the distinction between High and Low as a matter of how much ceremony is in the Sunday worship. Christ Church is relatively High in terms of dress, liturgy, and ritual. And, we have a reputation in the diocese as being High Church. But, in the context of the greater Anglican Communion, it is more like we are somewhere in the middle. If we were truly High Church, every week we would chant the collects, the gospel, and the sursum corda. We would incense the gospel, and kiss the altar. And, the aspergillum would be brought out every week.
Ruth then provided an opportunity for those present to vote on their personal preferences in worship.
She explained that, for the past five years, she has tried to present a kind of church worship where everybody in our parish will be happy some of the time. For instance, the altar will be censed only once a month, and on Feast Days. Also this is true of chanting the collects and the gospel, as well as our old friend, the aspergillum. Ruth is always interested in any feedback concerning liturgy which the Vestry can bring from the congregation.
Finally, it was pointed out that it was through the High Church Oxford Movement that many outreach efforts had their origin. Thereby putting to rest the myth that High Church represents a snooty point of view which does not express itself in being concerned with others.
Now came a time a time in which many topics were brought up. Sometimes the Vestry occasionally ventured off into directions inspired by a stream of consciousness sort of pattern. It was like they were together in a car, using the GPS. Someone was inspired to veer off from the GPS. The driver obeyed, and they took a different path. The GPS then re-routed them. The Vestry car did eventually arrive at their destination, but only after many changes to the original path. I now present to you a record of that trip:
It started with, BRINGING THE CHURCH OUTSIDE: Sharing the “blessing of the animals “ St. Francis Service with our neighbors, by holding it out on the church lawn. This service would feature a full-sized door frame, minus the door. Our neighbors are invited to step through- with pets- and join us. All are welcome. This endeavor would be highly publicized. Re-route to:
EXPLAINING WHO WE ARE: Find a way to communicate that, despite the trappings of a high church reputation, we are not “conservative. “Our website could explain that we are theologically progressive, and liturgically conservative. Re-Route to:
WHAT WILL KEEP US FROM DOING THAT SIGN WHICH REV. VIRGINIA TYLER SMITH SAW IN LONDON? -Nothing. Also, flying the Rainbow Flag speaks volumes. Re-Route to:
1. Before we tackle this, we should discuss the website, first. The website will help to get people inside that doorway.
2. Suggestion about that doorway: have a different kind of doorway, like glass doors which are more inviting than our present portcullis. Clerk’s note: thank you for the opportunity to insert the word "portcullis" in 2019 minutes.
3. We have a trifold pamphlet which needs to be refreshed.
We could label these items under the heading of Re-route to:
1. Technology such as I-pads is not available in the Guild Room.
2. Give people a way to get the password for our wi-fi so they can take selfies in our church which could find their way onto the internet.
3. How do we educate people about who we really are? We have a great community that many do not know about. In fact, there are many in our church who don’t know how things in our church work. Welcome to the sub-category of Self-awareness. Re-Route to:
1. Summertime sermons can be a time for explaining aspects about the inner workings of the church. For example, how the Vestry works
2. A mini-lecture like that could come before the sermon.
3. Or, there could be a revolving topic in the Sunday bulletin.
4. We could gather parishioners in community-building events in which what people would like to know about how the church works can be discussed.
5. The Annual Meeting can be changed to reflect this drive toward internal self-awareness and community building.
6. An interactive website could contribute toward informing people about who Christ Church is: who’s the rector? Who are we? ”Hey, look! On this website, it’s all right there!” Something to read in a very short time, for outsiders, or, even, insiders.
7. How about a Welcome Wagon type of response for visitors from Ruth via snail mail? Re- Route to:
1. When does Spontaneous Combustion ignite in the congregation at Sunday worship?
A. When you feel that everybody is focused, together.
B. When you are in the midst of a larger, involved group of people, you are more likely to reach a “critical mass“ experience of worship.
2. Consider the layout of the church. Robed singing people in the back; robed people serving at the altar in the front: where does that leave the people in the middle? Would changing to a circle formation turn us more into a whole?
3. The 8:00 Sunday service has its own particular chemistry.
4. It does help when the message on Sunday mornings is multi-threaded through the combined efforts of Ruth, Kristy (Prayers of the People) and Stephen. Ruth will work on continuing to coordinate these efforts. (This is an Action Item.)
5. It was suggested that Ruth might try preaching from the Aisle, occasionally, for a different punch.
6. It was suggested that we might want to rope off some of the back pews, to bring people closer together.
7. Which referred back to a previous road: should the pews be removed in favor of chairs. The goal is to use creative chair positioning to create a more unified worship experience. Volunteers could re-arrange these chairs, accordingly. However, where does that leave Compline and its particular seating needs? Re-Route to:
1. What will the focus of our parish outreach be?
A. There is a history of adopting a family which is in need.
B. By the way, the title, “ Sanctuary “, has now been replaced with, “ The Outreach Group “.
C. Outreach to the poor, needy, persecuted, and disenfranchised, is a vital part of Ruth’s ministry.
D. Many parish outreach efforts have been the result of an individual embracing a particular endeavor, and then pulling Christ Church in.
E. We could poll the parish: what are your passions? For instance, “ I have a vision that the Guild Room becomes a place where we provide health and medical form counseling for Meal and More guests. “
2. What are we willing to give up, so that we can take on X, Y, or Z outreach program?
3. Is there an outreach potential involving our apartment?
4. How about a needs assessment? Is somebody else in the community already doing this? Would it be better if we help them?
5. Why not sit down with agencies and ask, How does it work? How can we do it?
6. To conclude: What does the parish think? Undoubtedly there are vastly different ideas. Re-Route to:
At this point, the Vestry reached its destinations: 1). Committing a half hour at each of the next four or five Vestry meetings, for hashing out these various Threads. And 2). Supper, with no speaking. For the record DURING THIS TRIP, we passed 2 Walmarts; 4 corn stands; a Corn Festival; 10 cows; 3 cars for sale including a 1965 blue Chevrolet Bel Air; 5 roads called River Road or East River Road; and, plenty of that good old “fresh" Country Air, as we traveled over 40 miles to get somewhere 3 miles away. Just like these Minutes.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Vestry Minutes July 16, 2019
Action Items:
1. Deb will write to RoCo Curator Bleu Cease asking him to be more proactive in protecting CC plants from roofing damage.
2. Val will ask Pat to send an e-mail to all parishioners requesting help in unscrewing pews following Sunday July 21 service, to prep for lightbulb replacement.
Present: Rt. Rev.Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Deborah VanderBilt, Wardens. Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, Val Jutsum, Jim Kurmis, Carolyn Mauro, Nancy Norwood, Lucie Parfitt, Joe Schaller, Vestry. Excused: Meg Mackey, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Jim acted as Timekeeper. Deb led the Opening Prayer.
Capital Campaign: Lucie reported that the Campaign is continuing to solicit prospective donors.
She also presented the Capital Campaign’s recommendation for which firm’s proposal for outdoor lighting improvements should be chosen. The choice of the Committee was Lighting Dynamic.
A discussion ensued.
Motion: Lucie moved that the Vestry approve the recommendation of the Capital Campaign Committee, and proceed with Lighting Dynamic. John seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Authorization for Transfer of Funds: The Finance Committee is busy investigating the transfer of CC funds from Fidelity to Canandaigua National Bank. A motion for authorization- in blanket fashion - would enable the Finance Committee to make such a transfer without waiting for lining up the timing with a Vestry Meeting.
Motion: Val moved to authorize the Finance Committee to move Christ Church funds from Fidelity to CNB, if they so decide. Deb seconded the motion. The motion passed.
VOC: The issue is flowers in the garden being damaged, several times, by roofers throwing debris when working on RoCo’s roof. Deb will write to RoCo Curator Bleu Cease, asking him for stricter oversight when work is done, in the future.
Rector’s Report: Ruth spoke about the recent security meeting with two RPD officers and the CC staff. The security concerns of Stephen, Moses, and Pat were discussed. Another security meeting including representatives from ESM and Father’s House, as well as Ruth and Deb, will happen Wednesday July 17.
Plans for the Vestry Retreat are well underway. Rev. Virginia Tyler Smith from St. John’s Honeoye Falls has accepted Ruth’s invitation to come and join us. The hope is for a spiritual retreat in which we have spiritual communion with one another. The foundation will be issues of identity and mission, as a Vestry, in the parish, and into the world.
Ruth gave out homework to prepare a “Symbolic Gift," to be brought to the retreat. A Symbolic Gift is some item which represents a part of your personal story which has great importance to you, and which you would like to share as a gift to another, without knowing who that person will be. While meeting together, each gift is opened, and there is then an opportunity for the giver to share with everyone about that important aspect of their life.
Finally, Val volunteered to ask CC Secretary Pat to contact the parish through email, requesting volunteer assistance in unscrewing pews right after the Sunday July 21 11:00 service. That is to enable pew removal for Te Deum light replacement which is scheduled to happen on Monday, July 22.
Ruth completed the meeting by leading us in the song, “Be still and know that I am God."
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Vestry Minutes April 9, 2019
Capital Campaign, led by Lucie
1. One focus of the Committee is creating venues for thanking donors. Different kinds of plaques are being considered.
2. The Committee is composing a Request for Proposal for outdoor lighting design.
Property Committee Report: led by Val
1. Te Deum light replacement: a bid has been received from Illumin Fx.
2. Determination has been made by Illumin Fx that the church floor can withstand a lift to be used for installation.
3. Replacement of current chandelier lights that are out, possibly by parishioners using IlluminFx’s lift time to complete that task, was discussed.
4. Replacement of all chandelier bulbs with a superior type of LED bulb which provides warm, not cool, illumination is a consideration. Also, determination of a time frame for accomplishment of this task is in the works. Val will get from Illumin Fx a price for new LED’s.
5. MOTION: Deb moved that the Vestry approve $3860 to come out of Capital Campaign Funds to pay for Te Deum Lights. Carolyn seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Vestry Retreat Planning, led by Joe
The Vestry will hold a retreat in the summer. It will NOT be a “long meeting,” but a true retreat, Joe promises! Jim Kurmis and Carolyn are working with him on it.
Liaison Reports: Education
Val reported on her role as Vestry Liaison to Education. The discussion focused on the need for a new college age Sunday School teacher for the fall. Deb will pursue that search.
VOC: Joe suggested that Joe McCutchon should be commended for his report on improving church safety. Meg will invite Joe McCutchon to come to the May Vestry Meeting to consult as the Vestry seeks to determine follow-up steps to His report, as well as to the Rochester Police Department walk-through, which took place a few months ago.
Community Partners: RoCo Director Bleu Cease joined us at this point. He thanked the parish for our patience, support, and perseverance throughout the Art Tree experience. Grass seed has been planted there. A hole has been left where our irrigation system is exposed, so that our irrigation person can examine that connection. During the approximately two month period when the tree was up and running, it is estimated that 4800 people stopped and looked at it.
Bleu is looking forward to ongoing public art cycles; the next one will come on or about June 1. He invited Christ Church to stage an event at the 12th annual 6X6 Exhibition.
Rector’s Report: Ruth is happy to report that she has begun her second week of part time hours. We are all delighted to have her back.
Vestry Minutes January 15, 2019
Finance Committee Report:
Norm led a discussion about the 2019 budget.
To summarize : last year a deficit budget was projected. Because of certain unique events, CC ended 2018 with some surplus instead. It is not anticipated that there would be a repetition of those particular circumstances which led to that surplus. A deficit for 2019 is anticipated. However, there are a number of traditional pledgers who have not yet renewed their pledges. Finance will tackle the in’s and out’s of contacting those pledging units so as to encourage them to re-pledge for 2019. [It was noted in passing that deficit budgets have been the norm (small n) since pew rent was done away with.]
● Jeremy made a motion for a 2.8% pay increase for Stephen Kennedy and Moses Roland. Val seconded. Passed unanimously.
Property Report:
Kyle reported that the Lawn St. Wall Project is happening on schedule. There were some concerns about dust and noise; these concerns have been addressed. This dust and noise were due to the demolishing of the first floor ceiling. That work has been completed.
● Kyle will be the contact person for the Lawn St. Wall Project while John Fields attends to pressing personal matters.
Worship Committee:
Deb led a discussion about the re-formation of a Liturgy Committee. Liturgy is the absolute purview of the Rector or the Priest in Residence. In times past there has been a Worship Committee which acted in some liaison capacity between clergy and parishioners. Deb will work on a draft for the general parameters under which such a Liturgy Committee might function.
Reports from Liasons:
It was noted that attendance for Twelfth Night doubled from last year. This is thought to be due to more communication about the event to the parish and the public; in particular, because it was presented as a Facebook Event. Jeremy suggested a Communications Group which each year focused on just one thing, i.e. one small step-bolstering some part of communication links we have, in a very intentional way. Lucie will organize a meeting about re-energizing communications.
Capital Campaign Report
Lucie reported a $517,000 tally up to present. The Committee is now officially done with parish solicitation. Current parish level of giving is at 74%. Next steps for the Committee include several aspects of researching and reaching out to potential public donors. Also, several Spring events are in the works. These include a silent movie showing with organ accompaniment; and, a High Tea as a part of the Sacred Sites Tour
Warden’s Report: Deb
Peg Britt is completing her Vestry term. We thanked Peg for her exemplary character and her contributions during her term of office.
Prayers were offered for several parishioners who have experienced injury. Finally, our hearts go out to longtime Christ Church Deacon Lucy Alonzo, whose husband Dan, also a longtime Christ Church member, died January 11.
Vestry Minutes December 18, 2018
Vestry Minutes Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018
Peter W. Peters attended. He offered prayer and reflection. Among his comments, he noted that today marked the anniversary of the signing of the document which ended slavery in the U. S.
Finance Report:
Norm said that CC has avoided the predicted budget deficit for 2018. We have received a gift which has helped defray Rev. Peters’ salary. This has helped us to avoid a deficit. We are currently in the black. Next year, however, we may have a deficit budget. Here is the main reason: in 2018, we had about 70 pledging units. Currently, we have received only about 39 pledges for 2019. (update: about 59)
Deb asked that the Finance Committee prepare the budget for the Vestry to pass at the January meeting, and present at the Annual Meeting. Meg will prepare a state of the parish report about numbers in, out, and where does that leave us for the next Vestry meeting. Also, the wardens will place information about how to make a bequest to CC on the agenda for the Annual Meeting.
Capital Campaign report:
Lucie reported that major fundraising, especially that stemming from the Open House, should be done in approximately six months. The campaign pledged total is currently $515,751. We are still looking for grants. The giving percentage from parish is 71 per cent. The Committee is still meeting every week.
Property Committee report:
Report given by Kyle.
1. There was a meeting with the architects, contractor, John Fields, and Deb, pertaining to the work on the Lawn Street wall. Before end of year they will put up plywood barricades. Scaffold up by Jan 2. Work to begin mid-January. The hallway will be blocked off. The only way to the sacristy and office will be through the sanctuary, or the Broadway Street door. It should be mostly quiet work.The workers will be taking up the two parking spots and a locked container for their tools. John Fields is taking care of the windows by himself, at cost.
2. Kyle reported that lightbulbs for all the lantern lights which were out have been replaced. Problems with scaffolding need to be resolved. We can publicize such work projects in the future, so that more people can participate.
3. Kyle talked to an ESM contact about locks. Several ideas were discussed, including one route from the outside door to the organs. This could potentially be a bequest item.
Renewal of annual housing allowance for Rector :
The following motion was made by Joe and seconded by Val:
Be it resolved that whereas Ruth Ferguson is employed as a minister of Christ Church, which does not provide a residence for her, the Vestry of Christ Church resolves that of her total compensation in 2019, $ 24,000 be designated a parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986 and this designated amount be assumed to be the amount in future years, as long as Ruth Ferguson is employed at Christ Church, unless amended.
The motion passed unanimously.
Warden’s Report:
1. Nominating Committee: Jeremy Cooney, Nancy Norwood, and John D’Amanda agreed to run for three year terms. Meg Mackey has agreed to run for filling a one-year vacancy.
2. Lucie has designed several possible replacements for the picture of Christ Church on the cover of the Sunday bulletin. They were passed out and voted on.
3. Other ideas which were discussed included having a Sacred Sites Tea during the Sacred Sites Tour; and a Christ Church Historical Recipes Dinner.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, Clerk
Christ Church Vestry Meeting Minutes – 11/20/2018
Present: Deb VanderBilt, Kyle Liddell, Meg Mackey, Joe Schaller, Peg Britt, Carolyn Mauro, Jim Kurmis, Lucie Parfitt, Val Jutsum. Excused: David Jutsum; Jeremy Cooney
Vestry was called to order at 7:03 with a prayer from Peg Britt.
Visit with Rev. Peter Peters and Eucharist
Peter expressed his gratitude at being invited to the position of Priest-in-Residence during Ruth’s absence. Peter prepared and shared a short Eucharist with the Vestry.
Property Report- Kyle
Bats & Birds
John Fields did an inspection of the tower and thought we could do the work. Kurt Catalano thinks he can go into the tour and do a screen repair for $2,000. That will keep the bats and birds from entering. The tower does need to be cleaned; John has the equipment and is willing to do try it himself. John has personal insurance and the church has personal insurance as well. One concern is to keep protection in place because the Catholic Family Center people work in that office and can’t be exposed to high concentrations of pigeon poo dust. John and Kurt are willing to do this in the winter. The two pest control reports showed mostly the worst spots and did not deliver an accurate representation of the work.
Property committee is finalizing the contract and the schedule of labor. John is predicting that the hallways will be closed as early as December. Work will begin in February. Deb noted that we should schedule a meeting with Eastman. Noise will be the only factor that will affect Eastman. All tenants at Christ Church should be notified about the construction.
The front door was fixed by John Fields.
Is it safe for John to go into the tower and clean it? Yes, John and Kurt are willing to do this in the winter. The two pest control reports showed mostly the worst spots and did not deliver an accurate representation of the work.
Apartment Update - Jim
Norm and Jim met with Steve Iaia in October, at which point Stephen presented a check of $1,000. Stevethen sent a plan for future payments and a proposal for how much the rent should increase. Steve owes the church $7,000 in arrears. Steve is aiming to move at the end of 2019 to move. Each $1,000 payment represents $500 towards arrears, and $500 towards rent. He asked that the Vestry consider raising the rent by 20% in January instead of the 50% increase that the Vestry had proposed. The Executive Committee has reviewed the proposal from Steve and he is awaiting our reply.
Repairs will need to be completed by the church upon Steve’s leave before it can be rented out to new tenants. Stephen has paid for maintenance in the past; members of the Vestry believe that we should do our due diligence to repair the space before he leaves.
The Vestry discussed a lease or signed contract to accompany the verbal proposal. From a legal perspective, we don’t have a written agreement right now and the tenant pays on a month-to-month basis. If we did write up a lease, he could legally be evicted. A month-to-month agreement does not allow us the leverage to evict.
Joe expressed a concern about the apartment’s compliance with code. We’re legally compliant because we’ve been grandfathered into the agreement. However, Joe furthermore expressed concern that the church is not a safe place to inhabit, and that as landlords it is our responsibility to ensure safety. Deb agreed that this concern is part of the big picture, but we should not focus on this element tonight. When Steve vacates the apartment, we can have a discussion about next steps for the apartment.
The Vestry discussed the logistics of how we would agree to Steve’s terms. Steve’s eviction would place his arrears payments in jeopardy. In terms of billing, Meg noted that Steve would need to set up his automatic payments on his side.
The Vestry then asked: what would the consequences be if a transfer was denied or didn’t go through? Potentially we could give him 30-days’ notice. The Vestry agreed that a contract should be assembled with a warning system if he payments are missed and language about eviction after 30 days late payment. Joe suggested a schedule of payments be written out. Norm would be responsible for actually writing the contract.
Val moved to approve a contract to be drawn up by Norm and presented to Stephen with a formal payment schedule and 30 days notice. Motion approved, with 1 nay vote.
Reports from Liaisons
Outreach – Peg
Vicki reported that it’s a very busy giving season with the giving tree and the raffle. Many events have worked out well including the remaining weddings and Paddy’s reception.
Bea said that RAIHN outreach has gone well with five new Christ Church volunteers.
Communication – Jeremy
No report.
Parish Life – Lucie
Peter has started visiting as part of the Care Team duties. Meg asked who would prepare 12th Night. Lessons and Carols is prepared by Parish Life. The Vestry discussed potential candidates to plan 12th Night. Deb expressed concern about involving Peter in the 12th Night arrangements. Stephen Kennedy should be consulted for who could be responsible for organizing Paddy Collins-Bohr could be asked to help.
Deb asked that people try to attend the Advent book study on three Thursdays at 7 p.m. starting Dec. 6.
Capital Campaign Report
Lucie reported that the event on November 10 went very well, and acknowledged all the people who worked so hard to pull it off, including Vicki and Joe McCutchon, Moses, Val, William, and Deb.
Fundraising will proceed with outreach to specific individuals who attended the event. Dan Meyers will be very helpful during this process. Also, Compline will be solicited in early December with an envelope. Further Compline solicitations will be considered as well.
Vicki thought we should think about making the church the size it was at the event every week. The church can look full that way and Compline could have chairs. This would allow us to do different events in the space.
Wardens’ Report - Deb
Wedding income
Vicki unilaterally decided there would be no weddings. Wedding income will disappear for the next two years. Stephen Kennedy makes $3,000 in honoraria from the weddings, and so does Moses. Deb proposed that the Vestry consider an annual bonus to Stephen and Moses to make up the gap. This will be put on the December agenda.
Nominating Committee
We are out of compliance because we were supposed to select people in November. We have three slots to fill all are three year terms. Peg, Meg, and Jeremy are rotating off; Jeremy has opted to take on a full term.
Cecelia Brerton has been an usher for 20+ years and is now retiring from her duties. A thank you card from the Vestry would be a nice touch. Deb will announce at annual meeting and Val will create an arrangement for her.
Paddy’s ordination
Paddy’s ordination will take place at Christ Church and it’s usually appropriate to give a gift of a stole to Paddy for his ordination. Deb and Meg will work on this.
Vestry on Call report – send VOC reports to entire Vestry prior to meeting
VoC from Carolyn were answered offline.
The Vestry discussed the front of the bulletin. Stephen asked for the musicians to be put back on, but not necessarily on the front page; the Vestry has not been put on and the priests-in-residence are not on again. All the names were put in the back for one week but they were lost due to editing issues.
There have been some complaints about the length of service as it relates to the quantity of music. Members of Vestry asked that a liturgy committee be instituted; but the Vestry also acknowledged the challenge of picking people to serve. Eric Mackey could start on that; Carolyn would like to be on it as well.
Action Items Review
- Kyle will inform Eastman about the wall construction.
- Kyle will get Bill Heaster’s contact info and make sure to get a schedule in advance of the construction
- Jim will contact Stephen to let him know we’re drawing up a written agreement; then Jim, Norm, and Exec. Com will meet to discuss
- Deb will ask Stephen Kennedy about 12th Night
- Deb will put the Stephen Kennedy bonus issue on the next agenda
- Deb will create a letter of thanks for Cecelia for the annual meeting; Val will create a arrangement for her to bring home.
- Deb and Kristy will work together on the bulletin; Val and Lucie will work on cover art
- Deb will announce that people should bring pledge cards by December 16
Respectfully submitted by Lucie Parfitt, Clerk pro tem
Vestry Minutes October 16, 2018
Property Discussion: Lawn Street Wall Update
John Fields reported on several meetings with Bero Architecture and potential contractors.
The engineer would like to tear down the ceilings and examine what is there. That will mean access will be lost to the basement, first, and second floor hallways. Work could begin in February. Due to the nature of the work, windows in the hallway will look more boxed in. Also, hallways on all levels will necessarily be narrower. The Vestry should be prepared for a request for allocation of funds before the next meeting. The Vestry thanked John for all of his efforts.
Capital Campaign: Tom Foster, Nancy Norwood, and Dan Meyers have joined the committee.
Stewardship Report from Pru Kirkpatrick via Carolyn Mauro
• Announcement in church bulletin for a Stewardship Church Supper Saturday, November 17, 6:30pm. Sign up poster will be in the hallway. List two favorite hymns on sign upsheet. Sing a-long after dinner.
Property Discussion: Kyle reported. There is a bat problem in the sanctuary and sacristy. There is a pigeon problem in the bell tower. There is a very real health concern, in both instances, and aconcern about damage to the organs. Bell repair cannot be attended to, due to pigeon mess. There is also an aesthetics issue. Everyone agreed as to the urgency of remedying the current situation, as well as endeavoring toward a solution which will stand the test of time.
Kyle and John Fields have received estimates from exterminators, and are seeking more. The Vestry should be prepared to entertain a request for funding before the November meeting.
Finance Report: Report from the Treasurer
Income was about $270,700 and expenses were about $265,700 which resulted in a surplus of about $5000. The projected budget deficit was about $26,000. Incomeincreased by about $26,300 and expenses increased by about $27,700.
Report on RPD Security Visit: Meg presented a 9 page document entitled Assessment Completed by Crime Prevention Officer Vincent Agnone of the Rochester Police Department.
A group working on security, including Moses Roland, met with Officer Agnone. After inspection, Officer Agnone concluded the we are actually doing quite well in terms of security, but there are recommendations for improvements, especially in the areas of lighting; key access; blocking off access to areas where appropriate; and, practice in emergency preparedness.
Kyle will price out different key options ( i.e. key, keypad, swipe ).
Meg will see if the RPD officer is available to do a Sunday church security meeting for all interested.If so, Meg will get permission from Eastman to use the sanctuary for such a meeting.
Warden’s Report: Deb
The tree sculpture will be inspected by a qualified outside individual. If it passes inspection and is up and running by October 28, it will stay up until January 4.
Jim reported that he and Norm Geil, Treasurer, will be meeting with the tenant this week.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, Clerk of the Vestry
The Care Team
is here to help
The Christ Church Care Team is a volunteer ministry to help parishioners on a temporary basis as they recover from surgery, suffer the death of a loved one, are home bound or in the hospital, or need support due to another kind of loss or difficult transition. The Care Team assists parishioners in need with the following: shopping, meals, pet care, house help, phone calls to check in, and home and hospital visits. Please notify the Rector if you or someone you know could use Care Team support. [Care Team Leaders: Shirley Ricker, Norma Kurmis, Lydia Worboys, Peg Britt, Elizabeth Dugdale, Kyle Liddell and Jim Blake]