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Contact Val Jutsum with any items/ updates you wish to publish as events, thanksgivings, and/or prayer requests-

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Today February 9

Children’s choir Right after the 11 am service for 20 minutes

1:30 - 3:00 “Let’s Build Together”

9:00 pm Compline

MONDAY, February 10

10:00 am Zoom Morning Prayer

TUESDAY PIPES, February 11 12:10 PM

WEDNESDAY, February 13

Choir rehearsal 6:30 pm

THURSDAY, February 14

7:00 pm Zoom Evening Prayer

The Rev. Dr. Julianne Buenting

is our interim rector


Please let the office know if you are interested in receiving a calendar.


Phone: 585-454-3878


Please let the office know if you are interested in receiving a copy.


Phone: 585-454-3878


Christ Church would like to make sure our parishioner records are up to date! Please remember to update the office with your contact information if you have recently changed address or phone number.

Phone: 585-454-3878


Offerings of Gratitude

For the safe delivery of David John Worboys to Lydia Kirkpatrick Worboys

For the gift of our Christ Church family, the beautiful space we have for worship and the inspiration of sound and sight which give us joy.

For the ministries of Stephen Kennedy, Andrew Johnson, James Jeffery, Dominic Flacco, and our other musicians

For the offerings given to our community by our volunteer leadership; the choir and Schola; our clerk, vestry and wardens

For the specific things that make us happy (add your own thanksgivings)

For God’s blessing with the continued financial support of our mission and ministry

For the spiritually enriching and community building experience of searching for a new rector for our church

People who have requested our prayers:

We pray for one another, our whole Christ Church Family.

We pray for our diocese and give thanks for our new bishop.

Victims of the mid air collision and their families who miss them

For Eleanor Peet - recovery from a fall

The victims of violence in New Orleans

The victims of war and violence in Ukraine, Russia, Israel, and Palestine (Gaza)

Those who are victims of deadly and punishing weather events

For victims of violence in our city

For Trans people in our country facing discrimination and hate

For others among us who are grieving

The family of Trina Mercado

The family of Stephen Hart

The family of Lucy Almonzo

The Herman Family

The Kew Family

Cora Mc Callum and family

The VanDevener Family

The Ferguson Family

The Hunt Family

The Kirkpatrick family

The Gipner family, for John, Marcy, and Kathy mourning the death of their mother Gail.

Lisa Pigut, who is grieving her aunt and her father

For Mary’s friend David whose wife Shari recently died

Patti and Bruce Blaine and the family of James Hallenbeck

Jessica, Margy and family

for healing and refreshment


Daniel Scipione

Laurie Sorge

Meg Hart

Virginia Rockwell

John D’Amanda’s brother Christopher

Kevin Finnigan's cousin, Sean Brown

Vicki Nicholson and her son, Brian (Brian diagnosed with cancer)

The Rev. Dr. Ron Young

for all of our children and students, for Monesty and Monae

Tobias Pack, son of Brian and Vicki Pack

Norma Hopcraft's son Will and her sister, Adey

Ruth- for her as she concludes her role as our rector

The Very Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer

David Jutsum, as he prepares to become a priest

Mayumi Jutsum

Hugh Gray's sisters, Barbara and Rosie

Hugh, Angela, and Blake

Jean for her eyesight

Kathy, Greg, and Neil




Gwen Mabie (losing her sight)

Moses and his dad

Paddy's mother and family

for Jason, Michele, Cale, Stacey, Tecla, and Ameris; that their relationships with God and one another would be renewed

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)

And specific others for whom you have intentions (add your own)