“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15;

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Isaiah 52:7


Rochester, NY   The SONG        vol. 4 issue  1

in This Issue

Candlelight Concert and Compline

Third Sunday Lecture Series and Compline

Ordination of Padraic Michael Collins-Bohrer

The Open House at Christ Church 11/10/18

East Ave Grocery Run (for Meal and More)

Parish Necrology 2018

The Beloved Dead of the Parish from the All Saints Day prayers 2018

Latest Sunday Bulletin and Audio of the 11:00 am Eucharist

(when you click on an image below it will become full size and you can scroll through the pages)

Vestry Minutes

Candlelight Concert Dewcember 2 2018.jpg

Paddy’s ordination was a wonderful event

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Lessons and Carols

December 7, 2018 at 7:00 pm

The Open House at Christ Church 11/10/18

East Ave Grocery Run (for Meal and More)

Parish Necrology 2018

All Saints Day - The Beloved Dead of the Parish

Vestry Minutes October 16, 2018

 Property Discussion: Lawn Street Wall Update

John Fields reported on several meetings with Bero Architecture and potential contractors.

The engineer would like to tear down the ceilings and examine what is there. That will mean access will be lost to the basement, first, and second floor hallways. Work could begin in February. Due to the nature of the work, windows in the hallway will look more boxed in. Also, hallways on all levels will necessarily be narrower. The Vestry should be prepared for a request for allocation of funds before the next meeting. The Vestry thanked John for all of his efforts.

 Capital Campaign: Tom Foster, Nancy Norwood, and Dan Meyers have joined the committee.

 Stewardship Report from Pru Kirkpatrick via Carolyn Mauro

• Announcement in church bulletin for a Stewardship Church Supper Saturday, November 17, 6:30pm. Sign up poster will be in the hallway. List two favorite hymns on sign upsheet.  Sing a-long after dinner.

 Property Discussion: Kyle reported. There is a bat problem in the sanctuary and sacristy. There is a pigeon problem in the bell tower. There is a very real health concern, in both instances, and aconcern about damage to the organs. Bell repair cannot be attended to, due to pigeon mess. There is also an aesthetics issue. Everyone agreed as to the urgency of remedying the current situation, as well as endeavoring toward a solution which will stand the test of time.

    Kyle and John Fields have received estimates from exterminators, and are seeking more. The Vestry should be prepared to entertain a request for funding before the November meeting.

 Finance Report: Report from the Treasurer

Income was about $270,700 and expenses were about $265,700 which resulted in a surplus of about $5000.  The projected budget deficit was about $26,000.  Incomeincreased by about $26,300 and expenses increased by about $27,700.

 Report on RPD Security Visit: Meg presented a 9 page document entitled Assessment Completed by Crime Prevention Officer Vincent Agnone of the Rochester Police Department. 

 A group working on security, including Moses Roland, met with Officer Agnone. After inspection, Officer Agnone concluded the we are actually doing quite well in terms of security, but there are recommendations for improvements, especially in the areas of lighting; key access; blocking off access to areas where appropriate; and, practice in emergency preparedness.

 Kyle will price out different key options ( i.e. key, keypad, swipe ).

 Meg will see if the RPD officer is available to do a Sunday church security meeting for all interested.If so, Meg will get permission from Eastman to use the sanctuary for such a meeting.

 Warden’s Report: Deb 

The tree sculpture will be inspected by a qualified outside individual. If it passes inspection and is up and running by October 28, it will stay up until January 4. 

 Jim reported that he and Norm Geil, Treasurer, will be meeting with the tenant this week.

 Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, Clerk of the Vestry

Vestry Minutes September 18, 2018


Present: Deborah VanderBilt and Kyle Liddell, Wardens;  Margaret Britt,  Meg Mackey,  James Kurmis, Carolyn Mauro,  Lucie Parfitt,  Valerie Jutsum, Vestry.  Excused:  Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Jeremy Cooney, Joseph Schaller, Vestry.  Guests:  Vicki McCutchon,  Weddings;  Bleu Cease, Executive Director/Curator of Rochester Contemporary Art Center;  Norman Geil, Treasurer. Dave Jutsum, Clerk.


Action Points:

 1. Kyle will modify website tab to indicate that we are not scheduling weddings now, because of renovations.

2. Norm and Jim are setting up a meeting with the tenant at the beginning of October.

3. At the October Vestry meeting we will talk about the early payment of our diocesan loan.

4. Lucie will set up a time for a meeting to discuss a “boilerplate” or “elevator speech” in anticipation ofquestions asked at the Gala. 

5. Meg will meet with Finance in the matter of how to direct Pat in the manner of paying Ruth as she changes to new Leave status. She will also discuss this with Ruth.

6. Deb will contact Canon to the Ordinary Johnnie Ross, requesting a special meeting with the Vestry. The subject is the choice of a Priest in Residence during Ruth’s absence on Disability Leave from October 2018 through the end of April 2019.

7. Deb will address VOC issue having to do with a) the garden/tree; and, b) Ruth’s absence.

8. A challenge for October meeting is to determine who has keys to various spaces in the church building.

 The meeting was chaired by Deb. Jim opened with prayer. Peg acted as timekeeper.

 Report on Weddings:

Vicki McCutchon is stepping down as Wedding Coordinator. Here is a brief synopsis:

 -We have four more weddings this year. 

-Vicki never scheduled more than a year ahead.

-We are not scheduling weddings now, because of planned renovations to Lawn Street wall. Kyle will change this tab on the website. Pat our Secretary needs to be prepared with what to tell couples when they call. 

1-A new Coordinator or Team must be skilled at scheduling weddings, coordinating with Eastman”sneeds for the building.

-We average 10- 15 weddings a year. The website and Jazz Fest were about tied for attracting new weddings, along with people who had attended weddings at Christ Church.

-Vicki’s labor of love in this endeavor over the past eight years was acknowledged as a very special gift to her parish. She, in turn, acknowledged help from Maryanne, Pat, Moses, and Stephen Kennedy.

 Update by Bleu Cease:

The Kalpa Tree Art Exhibit has been plagued by problems from day one. Bleu offered a heartfelt apology for the current state of affairs, and all that has contributed to it. November 5 is the firm date for the end, and repairs to grass and sidewalk will be made at no expense to Christ Church.

 Capital Campaign Report: Lucie announced that Jessica Toner has regretfully stepped down as paid consultant due to personal reasons, as of October 12. The next steps are to transition Jessica’s tasks to the committee; continue planning the November 10 Gala; and, interview and hire a Foundation and Major Gift Consultant. In short, Jessica was instrumental in lending credibility and expertise to the campaign. She got us to this point, which is a good one, and where we are supposed to be. Jessica has left us on good terms. As the campaign moves into its next phase, the rest of her allocated salary can be spent on someone whose abilities also lend themselves to the more focused tasks ahead. The job description has been written. Meanwhile, Lucie is developing a boilerplate in anticipation of questions to be asked at the Open House. She will set up a time for that to be discussed.

 Finance Report: Norm Geil provided a report on church finances. We are still in a slight budget surplus due to diocesan grant. 

 The two major topics discussed were: 1) an analysis of Ruth’s salary and benefit payments. under both short and long term absence. 2) Strategies necessary for the establishment of a lease and necessary repairs for the apartment in the church building.

    As to Ruth’s salary and benefits, there are complicated formulas for short term leave. These then change into something else altogether when short term changes to long term. Naturally, there are ramifications vis a vis the budget. The Parish budget then potentially affects Diocesan financial relationships. Meg will discuss with Ruth, and with the Finance Committee, the finer details of how this will go. Our church Secretary, Pat, must also be brought on board in regards to her participation in the endeavor of paying our Rector for this interim period.

    As for the apartment, Norm and Jim will meet with the tenant in early October. The purpose of this discussion is to communicate to our tenant that he is welcome to stay, under the following conditions: he is paid ip in full; he agrees to signing a lease for $750 per month, starting January 1; and, that necessary repairs will be made

 At this point, Deb took the opportunity to thank the Vestry for their participation in the Newcomer’s Dinner. It was a big success.

 Property Report: Kyle reported that as soon as we have a bid number for the Lawn Street Wall Repair, Property will meet with the Capital Campaign to discuss costs. Our roofer says that the roof is holding steady, currently.

 Vestry Liaison Reports: 

Stewardship: Carolyn volunteered to act as liaison with the Stewardship Committee. Carolyn will bring the plans for the Every Member Canvas to the October Vestry meeting. Other members of Stewardship are Pru Kirkpatrick and Cathy Brennan.

 Worship: Carolyn provided the following report:

Vestry Liaison Report – Carolyn Mauro – Christ Church Rochester

 Worship Committee

 Altar Servers – Eric Mackey – 

 Ushers – Joe McCutchon -  (1) The ushers continue to serve with a faithful and responsible group of volunteers. However it would be nice to be able to add a couple of new ushers to serve once a month or be ready to fill in when needed. The 11:00 am service usually has two ushers and we invite someone from the congregation to help present the bread and wine along with the plate collection at offertory. (2) Also, there in an announcement currently in the service leaflet about how the offertory is more participatory with only two plates and one can expect to have to pass the plate if needed. (3) Additionally, the ushers look forward to a security review along with the vestry and a representative from the Rochester police department later this month. 

 Altar Guild – Bill Soleim

 Lectors – Kevin Finnigan -  The Lectors/Intercessors have little to report.  We've added one new person to our ranks.  We could use some more, so an appeal from the the altar at announcements would be appreciated .  Aside from this, no news.  —Kevin Finnigan 

 Choir – Carlos Mercado - We have been a classroom for organ students, singers, conducting students, and two choral ensembles – the Parish Choir and the Schola Cantorum.  we are also the beneficiary of a fund established under the Will of long – time parishioner, Roy A. Vandelinder, Jr. , established to provide specialized training for future church organists/choir directors.  This year has seen consistent improvement in terms of choral performance, etc. Note: we hosted the Made in the UK Series of the International Jazz Festival  A real highlight this year was Gwyneth Herbert’s composition of a song dedicated to us and our city.

Respectfully, submitted

Carlos Mercado

 Adult and Youth Ed: No changes to report, from Val.

 Amsden Fund 2019 Allocation: Lucie moved to approve Amsden Allocation to be the same as last year, with awards made to seminarian Keisha Stokes and CC Choral Scholar and Music Scholar. Meg seconded. Approved unanimously.

 Discussion of Rector’s Leave of Absence: The question revolves around what manner and sort of Vestry input is called for in the selection of a Priest in Residence to serve until Easter 2019. Bishop Singh, Canon to the Ordinary Johnnie Ross, and Deb, Kyle, and Meg (representing Finance) met, and agreed on these four areas as key job assignments: Presiding at Sunday Services; Pastoral Care; Christian Formation; and,  a Christian Ed. program for Advent and Lent. Out of this meeting came a single recommendation from Bishop Singh and Canon Ross. The sense of the Vestry was to designate another special meeting with Canon Ross, in which various concerns, as well as other potential candidates, could be discussed at length. Deb will arrange that meeting.

 VOC: Deb will address a  VOC presented by Carolyn.  The issues in this VOC have to do with two items: One is the continuing garden/tree situation. The other has to do with Ruth’s longer absence, and how the Vestry plans on arranging for pastoral care during that time.

 Meg announced an upcoming meeting of the Security Committee with an RPD officer. The officer will perform a walk through, discuss past security issues, and develop an overview of recommendations. The Committee will come back with these recommendations to an open meeting. Meg pointed out that we need to seek to identify all who have keys to the church. Several new means of securing entry were discussed.

 Jim closed the meeting with prayer.



 Present: Deb, Kyle,Wardens. Peg, Jeremy, Meg, Jim, Lucie, Val, Joe( on phone). Excused: Ruth, Rector;Carolyn, Vestry. Guest: Rev. Johnnie Ross, Canon to the Ordinary. Dave, Clerk.

 Deb moved that Rev. Peter Peters be our Priest in Residence. Meg seconded. Motion carried, 8 in favor. 1abstention.

 Meg will report financial aspects of this appointment to the Vestry at the October meeting. 

Deb will put news of the blessing of the pets service in an e-mail to be sent to the parish.

Advent dance ©2018 V. Jutsum

Advent dance ©2018 V. Jutsum

So, what about feet? I couldn’t help but notice that they are all over the decor in the nave and the chapel. They are the cover for this edition. They are beautiful because, “How beautiful are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace.”, the wording courtesy of Handel’s Messiah lyric, and now you will be humming that all day.

You’re welcome.

The Gospel of Peace, itself, is the actual song that fills our hearts with breathless joy. It is about heaven, not heaven eventually, but heaven right now. It is the essence of Advent which is why Advent is, personally, my favorite season. I love that it starts the new church year. It pulls the eyes of our hearts to focus on the biggest of the big stuff: mysterious, smoky, majestic, overwhelmingly beautiful power, the power that is wrapped in light; the person(s) of God.


The Holy Spirit sings a complicated song into our very being, revealing our true nature as entirely different from God’s. God floods everything in light, while we hide things in dark corners and hope that nobody (including ourselves) will find them. God endlessly creates that which transcends weighing and measuring, while we hoard petty items mistaking them for treasure. And so we know! We are not God. The idea that we might be confused on that account, is absurd. And yet, the clarity of this obvious fact isn’t, as one might expect, hateful, heavy, and disappointing. It lifts the hearer, imparting a desire to sing with God. This musical magic of melody and harmony changes the person who sings and that changes the universe.


You see, that’s the thing about the Good News of the Gospel of Peace; it is actually really, really good. It isn’t about trying harder. It isn’t about being better. It isn’t about making God happy or behaviors that society approves of. Horrors! Not about better people with better morals, but BRAND NEW PEOPLE. It’s about a whole new sort of being. It’s about people who know that they are not God. And, they’re good with it. They exalt in it. They revel in it. Because now they are free to allow God to be God. All the time. Every moment. They are free to enjoy the love affair with Love the Person(s).


Everything is different now! It is all imbued with Life. This Life is the energy of Heaven and we live in it. The kingdom of God has come and is coming through us. This isn’t because we have put more effort into having this occur. It is simply the consequence of being new beings. God will. God does. God is. And so, we will. We do. We are.

Stop Worrying!

Jesus assured us that we couldn’t change anything with worry. He assured us that God treasures us. God doesn’t want or need our advice on how things should go or be. God is the power in us and not the other way around. Dearest, Lord, we trust you. We want you. We love you.

Soak in God.

Breathe God’s breath.

Rest in God’s presence.


Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of

darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of

this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit

us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come

again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the

dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives

and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and

for ever. Amen.

So, what about our feet, our beautiful, beautiful feet? Ahhhh. So good.

Val Jutsum- editor

© 2018 V.Jutsum

© 2018 V.Jutsum

The Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson is on long-term disability leave due to Lyme decease. Her hopes for a speedy return are echoed by the parish. We are blessed to have The Rev. Peter Peters serve as Priest in Residence beginning on Sunday, November 4, 2018, while she is recovering.

Welcome to Rev. Peter Peters

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