A Ministry Minute
is a short, 1-3 minutes long, personal talk, delivered during the “Parish Notices” part of the worship service. It is a way to get to know some of our people better, and hear about the feelings they have for Christ Church.
#1 Owen Vanderbilt-
The one in the blue circle is Owen.
I’m Owen VanderBilt, a 2nd-generation member of Christ Church. I was baptized in the font; I was bribed to sit through sermons with a Hersey's kiss when I was young; I volunteered at the alter as everything from incense holder to crucifer. When I first joined the choir at age 13, I was a boy soprano, but I quickly dropped to an alto and then ended up a tenor. Unless there's an unexpected change I don't think I'll ever make it to the final level of base. I've toured as a member of many choirs and visited many, many churches, and it has clarified why I love Christ Church so much. I don't think I've ever experienced a church with this level of musical expertise, this beautiful of a space, and our deep feeling of community. Christ Church has a truly unique and special marriage of high church liturgy while remaining inclusive and active in outreach. Personally, I cannot imagine my life without the presence of Christ Church. I learned how to make beautiful music in the back of our sanctuary, I learned how to be a member of a community over cookies in the guild room, I learned how to ice skate with the youth group across from our parking lot. My identity has been immeasurably shaped by my relationship with this church.
Right now I'm in graduate school and although I can't contribute very much to the church financially, I am so happy to be able to give of my time as a member of the choir and as the leader of the Youth Group. When I get a teaching job, I look forward to more deeply supporting this place of worship that has been so instrumental in my formation. I truly believe Christ Church is a unique space in the relationships and opportunities it offers. Thank you for all you have done to make sure this building and this community continues for both newcomers and those who like me have grown up in this very special church.
The one in the red circle is Dave
#2 Dave Jutsum-
I have wrestled with what to say, today. Why do I, Dave, attend Christ Church? What does it’s community mean to me? I have succeeded in creating an outline which I have lovingly titled, “ Dave’s Five Year Plan For Christ Church “ That’s one point in the outline for each year we have been here.
I wanted to say how excited I am about knowing God, and being known by Him. I mean, it’s got to start, there. The high and lofty One who inhabits eternity reached down to me, a sinner, and washed me, and brought me into his marvelous presence. God opened my heart to hear him say, “ I have loved you with an everlasting love. “
I wanted to note, in passing, that God has given to me a special way in which to receive his love, and to worship him: in and through liturgical worship. All of his wonderful stories are there, and we get to return to them, week after week. I would look up and say, “ and Christ Church does liturgy really, really well. “
3. I thought I would remark in passing that, for many reasons, I consider myself to be, secretly, the richest person in the room, today. God has given me so many gifts. One of them is our Christ Church community. Not what we will be, but who we are: a very rich place, today, filled with interesting people. I have not always found it easy to get to know you; but, I celebrate how wonderful you are.
4. Finally, I would thrillingly conclude with the description of a dream I really had one night: It was dusk. Individuals and small groups of people were walking down the various sidewalks that lead into Christ Church. There was this remarkable sense of anticipation in the air. I think that everyone felt it, but no one talked about it. We knew that something very, very special was going to happen that evening. I entered the building. I went up some stairs, and into a kind of anteroom to a theater box. There was (my wife) Val. She was wearing an incredible golden gown. She was radiant. She looked up at me. We both knew what was coming next. We were about to meet Him, face to face.
5. I would end my talk with a pithy conclusion: I am excited to meet God inside the walls of Christ Church, today, with our particular, eclectic congregation. And a special thanks to those who gave us a new Lawn Street wall.
The one in the green circle is Sam.
#3 Samantha Smith
My name is Samantha Smith and I was baptized Catholic, raised Baptist until certain circumstances (at an early age) created a decision to take my family out of church. I always have felt the love of God and always have admired the beauty of this amazing world so in my 20s I began searching for answers. Answers to why we see all the variations of religion surrounding us. I have moved over 20 times in my adult life and have checked out all sorts of churches along the way, never finding a real sense of admiration to God. I moved back to Rochester in 2016 and the moment I saw the outside of Christ Church I knew I had to check it out. I was engulfed with the all its beauty and more impressively it's diversity. I felt a great sense of peace from the very first visit. As I learned more about Christ Church and it's involvement with the community I was hooked. I had already begun working with the homeless program called REACH and I am so honored to be assisting now with RAIHN. Being able to represent Christ church is a true blessing. I love that everyone has been so kind, welcoming and that the fellow parish actually believe in me! Christ Church has changed my life in so many ways and I will forever be grateful.