Our Process to find a New Rector 

The Search Committee

The process of searching for a new Rector begins with another search; finding a special group of people who become the engine of the process. They are the SEARCH COMMITTEE. The Search Committee at Christ Church Rochester consists of nine people. They are very different from one another and represent the diversity of Christ Church. Let me introduce you.

Now that we have a search committee they will begin data gathering to find out everything they can about the people of Christ Church and the thoughts they have about worship and leadership. When they have all they need they will write a profile of Christ Church Rochester. It will be published here.

The Next Step is getting an

Interim Rector

While the Search Committee is looking for our next full time Rector, The Rev. Dr. Julianne Buenting was recommended to be our Interim Rector, by Bishop Kara Wagner Sherer. An Interim Rector specializes in ministry for the parish during its transition phase while seeking a new permanent priest.

A parish builds community and cares for the people it serves with its various ministries. The Rector directs that activity while also caring for the people of the parish while they work at this.

We Are Delighted to Announce The Rev. Dr. Julianne Buenting as our Interim Rector

The Rev. Dr. Julianne Buenting is a native western New Yorker, raised in Brockport, who completed doctoral studies in health care at the University of Buffalo before seeking ordination. She was ordained transitional deacon and priest in Chicago in 2009, having earned the MDiv at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary.  She completed specialist training in Intentional Interim Ministry and Conflict Mediation, and has served multiple parishes of the Episcopal dioceses of Chicago, Western Massachusetts, Washington DC, and Rochester as Interim Rector.  Her call as a priest is to proclaim Christ’s radically inclusive and redeeming Love for ALL people and creation. Liturgy and preaching, spiritual formation for all ages, and congregational development are her particular ministerial interests. She is unapologetically besotted with dogs (including, but not limited to, a goldendoodle companion called Rawley), savors good films and recommends WRUR 88.5 FM for great music and NPR news.