Vestry Minutes
VESTRY MEETING – Tuesday, December 19, 2023 6:30 – 8:40pm,
Guild Room
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Val Jutsum and Jim
Kurmis, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, John
D’Amanda, John Fields, Norma Hopcraft, Kristy Liddell, Nancy
Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Norm Geil, Treasurer. Dave Jutsum,
clerk of the Vestry.
• Meeting Chair –Val
• Opening Prayer –Norma
• Time Keeper – Kristy
• Minutes approved by email
Property Committee: Nancy and John Fields reported.
John said that the temporary doors for replacing the outer doors for the Lawn Street Parking Lot
vestibule should be installed sometime between Christmas Day and New
Year’s Day. They will be plain, and they will be flush. The expensive,
beautiful, permanent doors should be ours somewhere in the Second Quarter
of 2024. Their procurement is dependent on navigating the labyrinthine
NYS Grant System.
Nancy said that she and Deb will be meeting with architect Jennifer Bero, Oz our Contractor
Guy, and Kurt our roofer, to talk about estimates for Buttress repair, Roof
repair, and replacement of the capstone on a chimney.
Also, Deb and Nancy will get together to talk about grants, after the state contract is completed.
Finance Report: Norm
The following is the report which Treasurer Norm Gil submitted via email:
Finance Committee Minutes 12-11-2023
1. $1,364,400 in Ameriprise account as of today.
2. There was no rent payment from The Father’s House in December. Norm has written to
Jeremy to say we are just making sure we didn’t lose it. (BTW, Jeremy is doing better
with his illness.)
3. Norm clarified how music funds are tracked:
All checks to Friends of Music go to Operating account, and if funds need to be
transferred to the specific account, it will be transferred. Michelle provides YTD numbersand monthly numbers. All expense requests from Stephen are designated by him as to
fund it comes from.
Tellers will ask Stephen when there is a donation in the offering box, does he want it to
count as CD sales or Friends of Music (if it is not designated as one of these).
4. There was discussion on how we will handle our accounts:
Checking account - Capital account. We will get rid of that.
Operating account- regular checking account.
Vandelinder fund - not church fund.
Savings account - we will put all the money into the one that has the highest interest for
the longest time.
3 new savings accounts we created for Casterline Fund: we will get rid of these as well
(the money went to Ameriprise).
5. Pledges update:
Pledge cards: 28 cards, approximately $115,000.
For comparison purposes: 2022: 42 for $140,000.
6. We discussed the Wilder Hall floor estimate by John Field’s contact. We would like to
see a second one from the carpet company. Also, this is a good opportunity to ask for
grant funds. Norm will talk to Lois about 1) writing to their donors about the opportunity,
and 2) whether we can seek some grant funds from organizations like Farash.
New Tonight: Val asked about #4, above,” Checking Account-Capital account.We will get rid of
that.” She said that there is a dedicated link forPayPal for the Friends of Music on our website,
which leads to this Key Bank account. Norm agreed that we should keep this account open.
Nominating Committee: Deb
Deb reported that, this year, Jeremy has joined her on this committee. They have two possible
candidates to replace Kathy Brennan, who is not running for another term. Meanwhile, Kathy
has agreed to be in charge of Ushers.
NEW HEAD OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE. If this looks like an Action Item to you, I
invite you to come to your own conclusions.-Ed.
Christ Church Music Program re: Expenses: Jim & Norm:
Jim presented this document:
Current Parish Music Program budget outline:
VANDELINDER PROGRAM: (This program has no expenses to the parish at the
request of the Rochester Community Foundation, these funds must be kept separate
from the other church accounts)INCOME (to Christ Church Annually)
Parish Overhead $1,000
Andrew Johnson Assistant Organist $16,000
Matthew Barry Fellow $9,000
Jimmy Jeffrey Fellow $ 3,000
CHORAL SCHOLARS: Scholars make up the backbone of the Christ Church Choir that
sings for the 11:00am Eucharist on Sundays. They are paid only if they attend an
appointment, so we never pay out the full $3,000 in a season. $50 per appointment
(Sunday as well as Wednesday rehearsal: includes Lessons and Carols and Easter Vigil
Amsden Fund:
Anna Bjerken $3,000
Ariana Potluri $3,000
Caleb Meyerhoff $3,000
Friends of Music:
Karen Goldfeder $3,000
EASTMAN/CHRIST CHURCH CHORAL SCHOLAR (Donor funded program through
ESM: no expenses to the parish)
Allen Curl Choral Scholar
James Graziano $3,000
More information:
Friends of Music also pays for the following program expenses:
1. Candlelight Concert Series (and publicity): 6 Concerts in a season
2. Purchase of historic instruments for the parish program
3. Maintenance of the historic instruments
4. Tutors to teach players to play the historic instruments
5. Music software ($100 - this should be funded through General Operating: music
program line because I use it for all parish ensembles and for printed Sunday morning
service leaflets)
6. Music program supplies ($250 - this should be funded through General Operating:
music program line)
7. Extra musicians for special parish program needs8. Compline Receptions ($250 - this should be funded through "Parish Hospitality")
COMPLINE: Parish liturgy (Sunday nights: October through April)
INCOME (approximately $4,000 annually and funneled into General Parish Operating)
My request is that our General Operating Budget include the true operational expenses
of our parish music program. Presently, General Operating has only $1,500 earmarked
for the entire parish music program operation. Below are the following expenses that
should be included in our General Operating line for parish music program expenses:
Karen Goldfeder: (Choral Scholar) $3,000
Music software: $100
Children’s Choir expenses: New category for CC $150
Music supplies: folders, music, pencils… $250
Piano tuning: (Three instruments) $800
TOTAL EXPENSES: General Operating: music program $4,300
1. My request to Vestry and Finance is that our “General Parish Operating Budget” pay
the actual Parish Music Program expenses. This would mean that Choral Scholar,
Karen G. Would be paid $3,000 annually from “General Parish Operating Budget” and
no longer from “Friends of Music”. "Friends of Music" should be responsible for paying
special music program expenses that are not part of regular parish operation: concerts,
purchase of instruments, tutors, additional musicians for special liturgies...
2. The $1,000 (INCOME from Rochester Community Foundation) for the VanDelinder
program is for parish “overhead” and can be uses by the parish in any way necessary.
My guess is that this annual amount is dumped into the General Operating Budget.
This $1,000 INCOME should be listed annually.
3. Not every Christ Church Choir member is a Choral Scholar. We have a total of 23
Christ Church Choir members. Below is how this choir is broken down:
5 are Choral Scholars (3 are currently paid through Amsden, 1 through Friends of
Music, and 1 through Eastman)The 3 VanDelinder Fellows also sing as members of the Christ Church Choir when they
are not accompanying, or directing.
The remaining 15 Christ Church Choir members are volunteers who are NOT paid.
Additionally, Choral Scholar is a traditional name for Choristers who are paid. This title
also has an educational component attached to it and gives us the potential to earn
grant moneys because of the educational capacity of this program for students or young
professionals receiving choral training in our parish music program. This liturgical music
education is also how Amsden funds can be used to pay a stipend but they need to be
enrolled students to be paid through Amsden. This is why Karen needs to be paid out
of another fund because she is no longer an ESM student.
Another way to look at this big picture is the the Compline plate Offering comes to about
$4,000 annually and goes into the General Operating Budget. This INCOME from
Compline would nearly cover all the parish music program expenses. Also, since the
VanDelinder program pays Christ Church $1,000 Annually, our music program is
actually making money for the parish.
Stephen Kennedy
Music Director, Christ Church Rochester
Director of the ESM/Christ Church Schola Cantorum
Instructor of Sacred Music, Eastman School of Music
Thanks to Steven Norm, Michelle, and Jim for all that is contained in this excellent report.
Report on UR lawyer visiting CC John D
John D reported that there is a group of 3 or 4 UR executives who have expressed interest in
performing a Walk Through Christ Church, in order to get an upclose and personal perspective
on what all the hoopla is about (my words, not John’s). There are 3 or 4 Christ Church
representatives who have expressed interest in entertaining such a tour. There is going to be a
little bit of pushing applied by someone, if that proves helpful.
Vote on Rector’s housing allowance-Val announced:
Be It Resolved That: Whereas, Ruth Ferguson is employed as a minister of Christ Church
Rochester, which does not provide a residence for him/her, the Vestry of Christ Church
Rochester resolves that of her total compensation in 2024, $23,000 be designated a parsonage
allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986 andthis designated amount be assumed to be the amount in future years, as long as she is employed
at Christ Church Rochester, unless amended.
This motion was moved by Kristy. Kathy and Norma seconded at the exact same time.
Motion passed.
Rector’s Report. Ruth
Ruth began tonight’s Rector’s Report with a presentation of some Parish Newsletters which
she had recently found in her Mom’s stuff. It was stated there that the Rev. Franklin Ferguson,
her father, had manifested a known propensity to weave away from the planned subjects at his
Vestry Meetings.
Yes, you guessed it, Ruth drew up a play in the sand in the huddle, which managed to get our
team within Field Goal Range with 2 clicks on the clock.
Unfortunately the ongoing discussion was very serious. It had to do with Security Stuff. The
Key Word Phrases were:
Calm Awareness;
Calm Vigilance;
Caution ;
All rolled up into the idea that our Community members should be encouraged to recognize the
need to communicate with each other in a proactive, non hysterical fashion, in the event that they
witness a problem with a problem person. Don’t hesitate to call 911 if you see something
untoward happening. On the phone, use the phrase,” I do not feel safe.”
Vestry on Call (VOC)
Tonight, VOC time was more like, Vacuums On Call. The question is, where are there
Leadership Vacuums in this Community of 30 pledging units (as of tonight)?
Here’s the List, in no particular order:
Live-streaming; (some people are being trained)
Funeral Receptions: We need someone with a take charge attitude to take charge.
12th Night Reception
Lessons and Carols for 2024
Altar Guild/Sacristans
Lector and Accolyte Training
This conversation in turn morphed into the idea that lots of people in our Parish don’t know what
some people are doing. IsAlso, there a way to organize thanks to our volunteers, without leaving
some people out?
There were also some VOC’s which had already been resolved by the Vestry persons who
presented them.Action Items Review-Dave: None, except that secret one. Did you read your minutes all the way
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry
VESTRY MEETING – Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Val Jutsum and Jim
Kurmis, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, John
D’Amanda, John Fields, Norma Hopcraft, Kristy Liddell, Nancy
Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum,
clerk of the Vestry.
Meeting Chair –Jim
Opening Prayer –Jim
Time Keeper – Shirley
Minutes approved by email
Property - Nancy reported. She referred to the following:
Christ Church Property Report, November 25, 2023
Updates from October Property report of 10/23/23
1. McGee electric has finished installing the lights damaged in the flood and
repaired the parking lot light.
2. Steam heat has been turned back on. No estimates yet received for new
equipment recommended by Bill Taillie.
3. Regarding water problems at TFH: AP Plumbing has snaked the drains and
done quite a lot of work. We are waiting for a big rain to see if this has
solved the problem. Steve is monitoring.
4. Roof and chimney:
Kurt found areas in the narthex where the flashing had pulled away. He did an
emergency repair that should hold us until spring. We have not seen water
infiltration since those repairs were made.
Oz made the emergency masonry repairs on the chimney cap and we are safe
for now.
All other masonry and roof repair work will occur in the spring. We are waiting for
estimates from Kurt and Oz for those larger repairs, which will be coordinated to
optimize use of lifts, etc.
New business:
1. We are in the process of choosing carpet for the Guild Room. The expense
has been approved by Finance.2. Nancy is meeting with Eddy of G&P Flooring Solutions to obtain estimates
for replacing the wooden floor in Wilder Hall with laminate flooring. The
wood is too thin to refinish and in certain areas it is so thin it is unstable.
Given the population served by Meal & More, this is a possible liability. This
is only the first step; estimates and options will be presented to Finance
and Vestry when obtained.
3. Nancy has contacted St. Michael’s Geneseo about who they used for the
installation of their new elevator last year.
4. We had an emergency replacement of one of the two water heaters that
supplies TFH and Meal & More. It was determined with Finance that since
the water heater was old and it would cost more than half the cost of a new
one to replace the part, it was best to replace it. The cost was $1,606.
Many thanks to Steve Iaia for acting so quickly with this.
5. Nancy, Steve, and John D’Amanda will be giving a building tour to UR/ESM
representatives on December 1st
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
Nancy, Kyle, and Steve Iaia
Finance Committee- Kathy referred to the following:
TO: Vestry; Finance Committee
FROM: Norm Geil
Attached is the summary for the month of October 2023 along with the Quick
Books data used for the report. The data for the OCT 2022 column were taken
directly from the End of the Month Report for OCTOBER 2022 (not from the
attached QB document). I have included a graph depicting income, expenses
and surplus/deficit performances for the year.
Several parishioners prepaid their 2023 pledges at the end of 2022 and the
beginning of 2023 for a total of $43,620. I have included a monthly pro rated
total of $3635 for 2023 rather than including the entire amount in Pledge
Envelopes (#400b). The Diocesan annual grants (#450): Development $32,000;
Compline $4500; on-line Outreach $6200; District Grant $500 (total=$43,200)
also have been pro rated over a 12 month period ($3600 per month).
Income increased about $47,040 during the month and expenses increased
about $42,978 which resulted in
a deficit of about $64,541. The projected budget deficit was about $81,840.The target for the budget at the end of October was 83.3%. Income was at
99.55%; expenses were at 91.73%. The deficit was at 65.72%.
Kathy noted tonight that The Father’s House revenue could change any month,
as they are on a month to month contract. Their leadership is planning on doing
a walk through,without us, and then telling us what they want. We will then ask
JohnD’Amanda to advise us on how to adjust their rent.
7:00 – 7:05: Nominating Committee -Deb reported the following:
Kathy, Norma, and Nancy have Vestry terms ending this year. Deb will ask them
if they want to re-up. Otherwise, Deb will meet with the Nominating Committee,
and make a list of possible nominees. Jeremy offered to join that committee.
As to Wardens, one Warden replaced Nancy ( Nancy went on to take the last
year of a vacated Vestry slot). The Wardens need to decide which one of them
replaced Nancy, and, if that person wants to re-up.
Deb is hoping to step down from leading the Nominating Committee, next year.
This leads to an Action Item for the Vestry: find Deb’s successor.
Update on the Lego Club-Dave Jutsum reported the following:
Dave distributed about 30 posters in different coffee houses and places, but
there was no yield, yet. A trunk or treat AutismUp event participation got us 3
people. Dave reports a mix of parishioners and non-parishioners, on and off the
spectrum, and an organ student, and people of all ages, who come week to
week. Dave says it’s lots of fun and it’s nice to listen to organ while building.
Dave will be doing something like this with AutismUp next year. This is a place
where people can do what they love to do and be together. And everyone gets
to take home what they build! We are the coolest lego club in Rochester, and we
are on the same block as the strong museum!
Report from Exec Team Meeting with Stephen Kennedy: Understanding Music
Programs at CC: Jim will present next month.
Rector’s report- Ruth:
Ruth reported that she is still working on finding contacts to enable Christ
Church to offer a $500 symbolic gift of support to our local Islamic and Jewish
Communities, in light of the Gaza War.
Ruth discussed how this year’s version of Lessons and Carols morphed into
Lessons and Hymns.
Then followed what was labeled in the Agenda as: Open conversation about
Sunday morning 11:00 amIn what ways does our liturgy reflect who we are as a parish and who we want to
In what ways does it not? Ruth started off this discussion by describing different
ideas which have been bouncing around in her mind after our post covid
regathering meetings.
Editor’s note: Yes, that is an adequate description of what turned out to be a
rather long discussion which traveled across a map of ideas. In order not to tax
the reader’s patience, I offer the option of reading my synopsis in a second
document which immediately follows these minutes. No points will be deducted
from those who choose not to read.
Val reported that a Compline attendee complained that the front church steps
were blocked by a semi-belligerent neighbor(re: dangerous looking loiterer).
Solution: Val asked a Compline usher (a retired Marine) to monitor (act as
bouncer) the situation.
Sexton Steve Iaia reported that he had found evidence of a drug overdose
situation in the Lawn Street Parking Lot vestibule. Steve stressed that he will be
using a bar to lock the outer doors overnight.
Unattached Item now brought up:
The Vestry has unanimously agreed to give Val $500 in thanks for her efforts on
several fronts during Ruth’s Sabbatical, especially after our Administrative
Assistant resigned.
Action Items Review:
1. Deb will email Kathy, Norma, and Nancy to inquire as to if they would like to
run for Vestry again.
2. Val and Jim will decide if they would like to run for Warden again.
3. The Vestry will find someone to lead next year’s Nominating Committee.
Closing Prayer: Kathy
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Part Deux: Optional: An A to Y Primer offering what are meant to be semi-pithy
summations of a host of ideas which were presented by those present. They are
mostly presented in the order in which they appeared.
A. Does the number of the people in the pews change how we do things? For
instance, Ruth is still keeping How to get the pews into a circle?, on thediscussion table. And, do we do smells and bells and a figure eight procession
path with a small crowd in the pews?
B. More people came to the Stewardship Dinner/Talent Show, then came to that
week’s 11:00 Service.
C. The secret of the 8:00 Service: it is more informal, and more intimate.
D. What stirs people to love the liturgy?
1. Every now and then we need to check in with each other. A few years ago,
we went to 4th Sunday High Church with Chanting.
2. Taking risks can be exciting. Changing the lectionary and/or prayers is an
option. The framing of some of our BCP prayers puts us in a place of privilege.
Also, we could go to Morning Prayer once a month at the 11:00 Service.
3. Votes were taken tonight on chanting, incense, high church. Results:
Chanting didn’t do so well. Incense, about even. High church, yes.
E. Accessibility Issues: Especially in light of choir members who are
experiencing some of those issues. We are in an Incarnational Theology. It
follows to provide for one another’s particular physical problems.
F. One person expressed having no interest in having Morning Prayer once a
month at the 11:00 Service. Why give up supper one day a week?
G. Is there a clear, concise, and consistent message from the people who have
H. We are there every single week because we love it.
I. It’s not about the numbers. We are getting new people all the time. The
average attendance nationally is about 50 people per week.
J. “ I hope that we can keep as much as possible.”
K. Our Re-Gathering Meetings were great. Is that something we can build on?
L. We have discussed doing a different kind of liturgy once a month.
M. Churches that are growing are the ones that offer a transformation of life: the
message of God’s love for each individual providing a way to tap into a
transforming of life.
N. Liturgically speaking, Ruth and Stephen are different people. Ruth offers a
balance that we need. Stephen offers performance level music. (Editor’s note:
Together, Ruth and Stephen are channels for a worship experience which is
amazing and exquisite and unique. Forgive me for expressing my opinion.)
O. How can we convey our faith without resorting to the methods employed in
Pentecostal Churches(just as an example)?
P. What we already have at Christ Church is a mixture of messages which add
up to presenting the transformational love of God in an individual’s life.
Q. Options include prayer teams ministering after receiving communion; prayer
in the Chapel; plus, communion is Our Altar Call.
R. The new metrics are not numbers or money, but are measured by people who
are giving themselves away, all the time. We have something of value, and we
are giving it away.
S. For those who have made this our home: don’t change our home.T. Because we are a changed congregation (particularly after Covid), what
makes sense, now? How are we going to inhabit THIS, now?
U. Add a service where I can come( after work, perhaps), and it is quiet and
peaceful and healing, for 20 minutes, and then leave with a blessing.
V. There is a generation of potential church-goers who want to react to what is
happening in their world. They want a place to belong, and to be. Like an
alternate Compline, when people can get here at 5:30, come in, then get home
by 6:15.
X. It could be a time of open prayer: they say what is on their mind. It is less
guided, less structured.
Y. Looking for a space: drop by, then go on their way, perhaps a little
I hope that you have enjoyed reading this little treatise.
“ …and like living stones let yourselves be built…” Congratulations on Letting it
be built, the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of Christ ( at
least some of the time, hahaha ).
Christ Church Vestry Minutes October 24, 2023
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Val Jutsum and Jim Kurmis, Wardens.
John D’Amanda, John Fields, Norma Hopcraft, Nancy Norwood, Deb VanderBilt,
Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Absent: Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, Kristy Liddell, Shirley Ricker, Vestry.
Meeting Chair – Val
Opening Prayer – Jim
Time Keeper – John D’Amanda
Minutes approved by email
Property - Nancy:
Christ Church Property Report, October 22, 2023
1. McGee electric will be here this week to finish installing the lights damaged in the flood and,
most important, to repair the parking lot light.
2. Steam heat has been turned back on. Our contractor Bill Taillie assessed our equipment at
Steve’s request (for no charge), and had the following recommendations:
From an email from Steve I:
Bill Taillie visited today at my request (no charge)
He recommended that these two items be replaced:
These two circulation pumps and their flanges, Also Located in closet area at bottom of red spiral
If you zoom you will notice the corrosion on the flanges. Bill is not sure these can be saved &
cleaned. Also, does not know why they were mounted so close together.
Recommends replacement.
This would be over $500
I can get a more detailed quote.
He wound do these and the tank at the same time.
Also, an additional trap was found today as we turned on the steam. This trap was undiscovered,
it’s inside the large ducts, Bill feels should be rebuilt.
3. Steve reports there is an uptick in mouse droppings. M&M was cited by Foodlink on a recent
inspection. Steve wonders if this has to do with a change of personnel at M&M (John left in July),
since Jeff from Orkin states that the activity in the rest of the church is on par for this time of
year. Steve will continue to monitor.
4. Regarding water problems at TFH: AP Plumbing has snaked the drains and done quite a lot of
work. We are waiting for a big rain to see if this has solved the problem. Steve is monitoring.
5. The largest issue facing property right now is the water infiltration in the narthex roof. Jennifer
Ahrens of Bero Architecture is coordinating repair and estimates. She met with Oz, the masonry
expert, on Friday October 20th. Please see her email below as well as the attached PDF ofphotographic documentation. We anticipate this will involve temporary repairs now to get
through the winter, and then significant work in the spring. Estimates will be forthcoming.
From Jennifer Ahrens’ email of October 22, 2023:
I met Steve and Oz Sweeney, ADS Masonry, at the Church from 9-10 a.m. on Thursday 10/19. Steve and
Oz are copied into this email in case they have additions or edits. We had a very productive site visit.
We circled the building so Oz could understand potential outstanding masonry issues and determine
where other priorities may be located. He only expressed concern about the chimney on the west side
of Ferris House, the cap is leaning out over the parking area and is potential to fall as the freeze/thaw
weather starts to happen. He is going to provide a price to get a lift and repair to get it fixed in place.
See attached photos with annotations for a summary of our discussions about priority issues and where
the water is believed to be infiltrating. Oz will be working on pricing for the work and will forward for
our review. I suggest that once we have a price that we meet at the site so you can meet Oz and he can
describe his thoughts. Some of the repair will need to be coordinated with Kurt as well.
We all climbed up on the roof of the Narthex and he will be providing a price for the repointing work at
the buttress above the west Narthex (moisture infiltration and plaster damage at the ceiling of the north
end of the Narthex) and at the buttress at the NW corner of the north aisle (upper moisture infiltration
and plaster damage at organ loft).
Schedule as discussed:
1. Kurt to provide temporary repair at the south end of the Narthex gutter asap.
2. Oz to provide price for repair of chimney cap - suggest that work be performed before winter.
3. Masonry repair at the north end of the Narthex and upper buttresses will be scheduled for first thing
in the Spring as Oz has a current workload. This will be easier to coordinate with Kurt as well. Oz will
provide the access (lift and/or scaffolding) and Kurt will use to provide the sheet metal flashing repairs
required to ensure it is weathertight.
(Please also see photographic documentation in the PDF attached to this email.)
Christ Church - Site visit October 19, 2023
Steve Iaia, Jennifer Ahrens (Bero), Oz Sweeney (ADS Masonry)
Finance Committee- Deb:
Finance Committee Minutes Oct 16, 2023
1. We compared meeting notes from our meeting with Ameriprise and CNB for the management of the
Casterline fund:
Fees are .5 for CNB, .7 for Ameriprise for our fund amount which is approximately $1.4 million.
We plan to keep CNB funds where they are, and move Casterline bequest to a new account to be
managed (lower risk). After discussion, the finance committee unanimously recommends choosing
Ameriprise to manage this fund. Although the fee is a little bit higher, our experience is that Ameriprise
will provide much more personalized service. And the fund manager, Nannette Nocon, knows the church
and has demonstrated that she is exceptionally communicative.
We should be sure the parish knows about this bequest (at the annual meeting?) The more careful and
intentional we are bequests, it incentivizes others to donate as well.
2. Music Accounts: Michelle, Norm and Ron V (historical knowledge) came up with the amount of money
that Stephen should have in accounts. It was $31,000. Vestry requested that he be given enough to make
the total $40,000. Finance needs to know what his annual budget will be. We don’t expect that he will
spend $40,000 each year. Norm will add the Music Account spreadsheet to the monthly finance report,
and will include it in the finance reporting at the Annual meeting.
3. Father’s House is meeting with Norm and Ruth to talk about decreasing the rent since they don’t use
the theater anymore. However, the kitchen is not in the original agreement. So there may not be a huge
reduction in the rent. They currently pay about $45,000 a year.
New circuits were put in the basement during the pandemic, but they often don’t use them.
Security is another concern–not keeping the door secure.
There has been some flooding in the basement during the heavy rain. They claim there has been some
damage to their floor.
4. Norm will get cash for Deb to pay Monesty for Sunday School. One of the Sunday School teachers did
not work out. Sara and Monesty feel they can handle Sunday school between the 2 of them. However,
during school breaks, an adult will have to join Monesty.
Tonight: John D’Amanda moved that we invest our Paul Casterline Fund with Ameriprise. Nancy
seconded. The motion passed.
Rector’s report- Ruth:
Steven Kennedy will be meeting with the Exec Team. The goal is to make sure that we
are supporting him in every way possible.
Ruth and Treasurer Norm Geil met with an executive paid staff member of The Father’s
House. FH is a congregation in transition. For us, that means that they are rethinking how
much of our space they would like to rent, and for how much money. FH staff are going
to do a walk around to determine what parts they want to keep renting. Meanwhile, this isa good time to start thinking about new ways for us to use the spaces which FH may give
up. Those spaces may include the second floor theater; third floor classrooms; and,
technically, an apartment and the bathroom on the fourth floor which were included in the
signed agreement from 14 years ago.
Ruth wants Christ Church to make a donation toward paying for the providing of security
for both Jewish and Muslim members of our community. These donations will symbolize
that we are concerned for their safety and general welfare in this time of war in and
around the Gaza Strip and Israel.
Planning has begun for the annual Stewardship Campaign. This year’s theme is
Abundance. Pru Kirkpatrick, Jeremy Cooney, and Emmarae Stein will be the three
Sunday Service Stewardship Minute presenters. A Pot Luck/Talent Show/Acolyte and
Usher signup/Work Party recruitment event called the Homecoming Dinner is to take
place November 18.
Open Discussion: ( There were no VOC’S )
From Deb: Thanks to Val for pinch-hitting during Ruth’s Sabbatical, especially after our
Parish Administrator left.
The carpet in the Guild Room needs replacing. The weddings will pay for it in three
years. Rug replacement comes under the jurisdiction of Property. They already have a rug
company and quotes. There is a need for decorating this room and making it more
welcoming. It looks tired.
Shall we replace the picture of Mr. Ferris with the picture of the congregation (see
above ) which has appeared in ? Nancy will ask Kathy
D’Amanda if she could work as a consultant for redesigning the Guild Room.
From Jim: How is our new tenant working out? Answer: She is working out well.
What is the status of the Violin Shop door issue? Answer: a grate for the door is coming.
In General:
What is the status of the Children’s Choir? Answer: no interest as of yet.
The Closing Prayer was offered by Jim.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Christ Church Vestry Minutes September 19, 2023
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Jim Kurmis and Val Jutsum, Wardens. Kathy
Brennan, Norma Hopcraft, Kristy Liddell, Nancy Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt,
Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Absent: Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Vestry.
The Agenda was approved by email. The August Vestry Minutes were approved by email,
after this meeting took place.
Shirley acted as Timekeeper.
Kristy offered the Opening Prayer.
Property: presented by Nancy. Here is a copy of the report which Nancy sent out by email:
As requested, here is an update for Property matters.
1. The fourth floor toilet and water heater have been replaced. These costs were
covered by the insurance proceeds.
2. The hardwood floor passageways (two floors) linking the parish house with the
offices AND the theater area with the Sunday school rooms are being refinished.
Deb Vanderbilt got bids and the expense was approved by finance. These should be
done by this weekend, we hope.
3. Steve has contacted AP Plumbing for a solution to the flooding that happens in the
basement of the Father’s House sub-basement doorway. This is becoming a major
and chronic problem that will most likely worsen in winter months. When he has an
estimate he will bring that to Property and Finance.
4. Steve is pressing Magee Electric to fix our outdoor parking light. The electrician says
he will do this when he rents a drivable lift to do all his outside jobs. We need to
decide how long is acceptable, and whether we want to find someone else to make
this repair.
5. We are due for our five-year inspection “gauge” update from Colonial Fire
Protection. This involves testing and cleaning pipes and replacing gauges. Steve has
asked for a quote and will bring this to Property and Finance. It is not inexpensive so
will require approval.
6. Finally, Nancy and Deb met with Jennifer Ahrens regarding the issues with the
narthex roof and masonry causing the water damage. The plan is that Jennifer will
bring Kurt and Oz, the masonry expert, in at the same time and get one quote. We
feel that this is most efficient as the damage is becoming extensive. Kurt has been
busy with other jobs but Jennifer is pressuring him to inspect Christ Church this
week. We anticipate that, once the issues are identified, this will be a significant
expense. We will keep the rector, wardens, and finance updated as information
becomes clearer.
7. Nancy has registered for an online two-hour presentation from Berkeley Divinity
School on “Innovating Church Property Stewardship” on October 10th
Thank you,
Follow-up:Pertaining to #4: This need for outdoor light replacement has gone on for 9 months. Winter
should be our cutoff for waiting for completion of the job. Meanwhile, Val will look for an
alternative contractor.
Pertaining to #7: The Berkeley Divinity School program is about better utilizing parish
building resources. Those interested in participating have to register for a Zoom link. The
program runs from 10:00-12:00 on October 10. Nancy will send the Zoom link to Ruth, Val,
and to Dave the clerk. LATER NOTE: This program is going to be recorded. There is the
option of watching it later, rather than watching it live.
Also: Nancy will contact John Fields requesting that he present another building tour, which
would take place before a Vestry meeting.
Finance Committee: presented by Kathy. Here is a copy of the report which was sent out by
1. Endowment Management
After the final Casterline distribution, we have approximately $1.75 million in bequests to
have money managed.
We have a meeting with Nannette Nocon on Thursday 9/13. We are willing to consider her
as our investment manager but we also want to talk to an advisor at Canandaigua National
Bank, since our money there is bundled with the Diocese. Kurt Rosen is the person who
does this job for the Diocese. (We would also be moving the Fidelity money.)
We plan to ask both firms for a proposal, including:
Proposed Asset Allocation
Fee Structure
How well do they understand what we do as a church?
Bill will also research Ameriprise and CNB in the places that rate investment management
2. Pay for Church School Teachers
Deb will take care of pay requests for the teachers, at the end of each month. We will pay
Monesty cash from an envelope we keep in the office safe.
3. Discussion of increased hours/pay for Administrative Assistant
Finance recommends $25/15 hours a week. This is approximately $9,500/year. Monday and
Friday in-office hours would be part of the position description (to cover when Ruth and
Steve Iaia are not there.)
4. Jazz Festival
We discussed whether to negotiate for a higher venue rental amount, but decided we’ll stay
with $5000 for now. We can solidify the relationship and perhaps ask for a larger amount in
the next couple of years if warranted.5. Steve Iaia will be given an advance on his September salary for his vacation. Deb will
also submit a check request for $300 for Steve for painting the apartment as well.
(Vestry approved this but the request wasn’t submitted.)
Kathy pointed out that this is a big section making up the entire mosaic of the future Christ
Church financial resource profile ( including Eastman, Stewardship, new uses of building,
Also discussed: The possibility of once again presenting to interested parishioners the
National Church’s Funeral and Planning for End of Life information packets was discussed.
Ruth will ask Bill Soleim to join her in this endeavor.
Safe Church Training update: presented by Deb:
[Here is a description of what Safe Church Training is about, which Dave the clerk found on
the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts website:
“This training is designed to increase awareness regarding sexual misconduct and abuse
of power, to outline steps toward preventing abuse, to offer ways to intervene when
misconduct occurs and to equip anyone in a position of congregational leadership with
ways of healing and rebuilding the body of Christ.
The training is required of all clergy, diocesan employees and congregational employees.
It is also highly recommended for wardens, vestry members, lay eucharistic visitors,
pastoral visitors, youth leaders, Confirmation sponsors, acolyte leaders, choir directors,
church school teachers and volunteers working in a congregation on a regular basis.” ]
Deb said that this training is required to happen every three years. It is also a requirement
to qualify for our grants. Deb will send out these materials to the Vestry, and to all other
staff and volunteers for whom such training is required.
Church School: presented by Deb:
We have two paid Sunday School Teachers, and one Helper. Deb will send the payment form
to our Accountant Michelle Bryant and to Treasurer Norm Geil once a week, until the new
Church Administrative Assistant takes over.
Warden’s Report: presented by Val:The following is a bare bones synopsis of Val’s remarks.
Reframing the conversation with our Christ Church partners, and within our Parish:
Churches historically have been a social group doing things in the community. Now, people
find these social interactions in other ways. After Covid, the people who come to Christ
Church want to identify their ministry, and then to contribute more. A building is only a
building, until it becomes your home.
We can have a Stewardship Event which is about more than just the giving part. The
Stewardship Party can become stewarding the church. Kristy suggested a church cleaning
event-party. How can we celebrate the church? How about a Newcomers Dinner?
Brainstorm a Church Calendar before the Eastman School Calendar is planned.
• Start with big ideas that are crazy.
• Whittle it down to people who are inspired to frame it.
• Bring it down into an event.
• Let people with a passion run with it.
• What activity brings you joy?
A Homecoming Dinner will be planned by “The Party People " (Kathy, Val, and Mike Fleche
) and Ruth and Norma. It will take place on October 28. The focus will be on the three
greatest needs: Ushers; Coffee Hour Volunteers: and, Acolytes.
The Blessing of the Animals will be on October 8.
Rector’s report: presented by Ruth.
Ruth discussed the death of her mother, Betsy Ferguson, which happened in early July. She
also talked about her Sabbatical.
An Ohio farmer makes metal crosses on marble. He wants to give them to gay affirming
churches. He came to the 8:00 service, and gave his resume and an example of his work to
Nancy. Nancy will pass these along to Ruth and Deb. There is a website called Gay Val went there and saw that we are included in that website. However, it did not
include that Christ Church allowed same sex marriages to be performed on site. Val has
already changed the website to say that we do so allow.
John McCallum reported recently that a cancerous lesion which was scheduled for surgery
had just disappeared, as of the most recent x-ray. He is convinced that this was a direct
healing from God. Thanks be to God.
Ruth reported that former Bishop Prince Singh is having Title 4 Investigation.
Action Items Review:1. Val will look up the name of an potential alternative electrician for the replacing of the
outdoor light in the parking lot. She will send that name to Nancy.
2. Nancy will send the Zoom address for the Berkeley Divinity School Church Building
Seminar to Ruth, to Val, and, to Dave the clerk.
3. Nancy will contact John Fields to request another pre-Vestry Meeting church building
4.Bill Soleim and Ruth will prepare a presentation of the National Church Estate Planning
5.Deb will send out Safe Church Training Materials to the Vestry, as well as to all other staff
and volunteers for whom such training is required.
6. Ruth and Norma will join “The Party People “- Kathy, Mike, and Val- in planning A
Homecoming Dinner, to be held on Saturday, October 28.
The Closing Prayer was offered by Kristy.
Refreshments were served in honor of welcoming Norma to the Vestry, and, also, to
welcome Ruth back from her Sabbatical.
Then Vestry members walked over to the Rochester Contemporary Art Center for a gallery
presentation by Executive Director/Curator Bleu Cease.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Christ Church Vestry Minutes September 19, 2023
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Jim Kurmis and Val Jutsum, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, Norma Hopcraft, Kristy Liddell, Nancy Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Absent: Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Vestry.
The Agenda was approved by email. The August Vestry Minutes were approved by email, after this meeting took place.
Shirley acted as Timekeeper.
Kristy offered the Opening Prayer.
Property: presented by Nancy. Here is a copy of the report which Nancy sent out by email:
As requested, here is an update for Property matters.
The fourth floor toilet and water heater have been replaced. These costs were covered by the insurance proceeds.
The hardwood floor passageways (two floors) linking the parish house with the offices AND the theater area with the Sunday school rooms are being refinished. Deb Vanderbilt got bids and the expense was approved by finance. These should be done by this weekend, we hope.
Steve has contacted AP Plumbing for a solution to the flooding that happens in the basement of the Father’s House sub-basement doorway. This is becoming a major and chronic problem that will most likely worsen in winter months. When he has an estimate he will bring that to Property and Finance.
Steve is pressing Magee Electric to fix our outdoor parking light. The electrician says he will do this when he rents a drivable lift to do all his outside jobs. We need to decide how long is acceptable, and whether we want to find someone else to make this repair.
We are due for our five-year inspection “gauge” update from Colonial Fire Protection. This involves testing and cleaning pipes and replacing gauges. Steve has asked for a quote and will bring this to Property and Finance. It is not inexpensive so will require approval.
Finally, Nancy and Deb met with Jennifer Ahrens regarding the issues with the narthex roof and masonry causing the water damage. The plan is that Jennifer will bring Kurt and Oz, the masonry expert, in at the same time and get one quote. We feel that this is most efficient as the damage is becoming extensive. Kurt has been busy with other jobs but Jennifer is pressuring him to inspect Christ Church this week. We anticipate that, once the issues are identified, this will be a significant expense. We will keep the rector, wardens, and finance updated as information becomes clearer.
Nancy has registered for an online two-hour presentation from Berkeley Divinity School on “Innovating Church Property Stewardship” on October 10th.
Thank you,
Pertaining to #4: This need for outdoor light replacement has gone on for 9 months. Winter should be our cutoff for waiting for completion of the job. Meanwhile, Val will look for an alternative contractor.
Pertaining to #7: The Berkeley Divinity School program is about better utilizing parish building resources. Those interested in participating have to register for a Zoom link. The program runs from 10:00-12:00 on October 10. Nancy will send the Zoom link to Ruth, Val, and to Dave the clerk. LATER NOTE: This program is going to be recorded. There is the option of watching it later, rather than watching it live.
Also: Nancy will contact John Fields requesting that he present another building tour, which would take place before a Vestry meeting.
Finance Committee: presented by Kathy. Here is a copy of the report which was sent out by email:
Endowment Management
After the final Casterline distribution, we have approximately $1.75 million in bequests to have money managed.
We have a meeting with Nannette Nocon on Thursday 9/13. We are willing to consider her as our investment manager but we also want to talk to an advisor at Canandaigua National Bank, since our money there is bundled with the Diocese. Kurt Rosen is the person who does this job for the Diocese. (We would also be moving the Fidelity money.)
We plan to ask both firms for a proposal, including:
Proposed Asset Allocation
Fee Structure
How well do they understand what we do as a church?
Bill will also research Ameriprise and CNB in the places that rate investment management companies.
Pay for Church School Teachers
Deb will take care of pay requests for the teachers, at the end of each month. We will pay Monesty cash from an envelope we keep in the office safe.
Discussion of increased hours/pay for Administrative Assistant
Finance recommends $25/15 hours a week. This is approximately $9,500/year. Monday and Friday in-office hours would be part of the position description (to cover when Ruth and Steve Iaia are not there.)
Jazz Festival
We discussed whether to negotiate for a higher venue rental amount, but decided we’ll stay with $5000 for now. We can solidify the relationship and perhaps ask for a larger amount in the next couple of years if warranted.
Steve Iaia will be given an advance on his September salary for his vacation. Deb will also submit a check request for $300 for Steve for painting the apartment as well. (Vestry approved this but the request wasn’t submitted.)
Kathy pointed out that this is a big section making up the entire mosaic of the future Christ Church financial resource profile ( including Eastman, Stewardship, new uses of building, etc.).
Also discussed: The possibility of once again presenting to interested parishioners the National Church’s Funeral and Planning for End of Life information packets was discussed. Ruth will ask Bill Soleim to join her in this endeavor.
Safe Church Training update: presented by Deb:
[Here is a description of what Safe Church Training is about, which Dave the clerk found on the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts website:
“This training is designed to increase awareness regarding sexual misconduct and abuse of power, to outline steps toward preventing abuse, to offer ways to intervene when misconduct occurs and to equip anyone in a position of congregational leadership with ways of healing and rebuilding the body of Christ.
The training is required of all clergy, diocesan employees and congregational employees. It is also highly recommended for wardens, vestry members, lay eucharistic visitors, pastoral visitors, youth leaders, Confirmation sponsors, acolyte leaders, choir directors, church school teachers and volunteers working in a congregation on a regular basis.” ]
Deb said that this training is required to happen every three years. It is also a requirement to qualify for our grants. Deb will send out these materials to the Vestry, and to all other staff and volunteers for whom such training is required.
Church School: presented by Deb:
We have two paid Sunday School Teachers, and one Helper. Deb will send the payment form to our Accountant Michelle Bryant and to Treasurer Norm Geil once a week, until the new Church Administrative Assistant takes over.
Warden’s Report: presented by Val:
The following is a bare bones synopsis of Val’s remarks.
Reframing the conversation with our Christ Church partners, and within our Parish: Churches historically have been a social group doing things in the community. Now, people find these social interactions in other ways. After Covid, the people who come to Christ Church want to identify their ministry, and then to contribute more. A building is only a building, until it becomes your home.
We can have a Stewardship Event which is about more than just the giving part. The Stewardship Party can become stewarding the church. Kristy suggested a church cleaning event-party. How can we celebrate the church? How about a Newcomers Dinner?
Brainstorm a Church Calendar before the Eastman School Calendar is planned.
Start with big ideas that are crazy.
Whittle it down to people who are inspired to frame it.
Bring it down into an event.
Let people with a passion run with it.
What activity brings you joy?
A Homecoming Dinner will be planned by “The Party People " (Kathy, Val, and Mike Fleche ) and Ruth and Norma. It will take place on October 28. The focus will be on the three greatest needs: Ushers; Coffee Hour Volunteers: and, Acolytes.
The Blessing of the Animals will be on October 8.
Rector’s report: presented by Ruth.
Ruth discussed the death of her mother, Betsy Ferguson, which happened in early July. She also talked about her Sabbatical.
An Ohio farmer makes metal crosses on marble. He wants to give them to gay affirming churches. He came to the 8:00 service, and gave his resume and an example of his work to Nancy. Nancy will pass these along to Ruth and Deb. There is a website called Gay Val went there and saw that we are included in that website. However, it did not include that Christ Church allowed same sex marriages to be performed on site. Val has already changed the website to say that we do so allow.
John McCallum reported recently that a cancerous lesion which was scheduled for surgery had just disappeared, as of the most recent x-ray. He is convinced that this was a direct healing from God. Thanks be to God.
Ruth reported that former Bishop Prince Singh is having Title 4 Investigation.
Action Items Review:
1. Val will look up the name of an potential alternative electrician for the replacing of the outdoor light in the parking lot. She will send that name to Nancy.
2. Nancy will send the Zoom address for the Berkeley Divinity School Church Building Seminar to Ruth, to Val, and, to Dave the clerk.
3. Nancy will contact John Fields to request another pre-Vestry Meeting church building tour.
4.Bill Soleim and Ruth will prepare a presentation of the National Church Estate Planning information.
5.Deb will send out Safe Church Training Materials to the Vestry, as well as to all other staff and volunteers for whom such training is required.
6. Ruth and Norma will join “The Party People “- Kathy, Mike, and Val- in planning A Homecoming Dinner, to be held on Saturday, October 28.
The Closing Prayer was offered by Kristy.
Refreshments were served in honor of welcoming Norma to the Vestry, and, also, to welcome Ruth back from her Sabbatical.
Then Vestry members walked over to the Rochester Contemporary Art Center for a gallery presentation by Executive Director/Curator Bleu Cease.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Vestry Minutes – Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Present: Val Jutsum and Jim Kurmis, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Kristy Liddell, Nancy Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Absent: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. ( On Sabbatical ). Norma Hopcraft, Vestry.
Meeting Chair – Val
Opening Prayer – Deb
Time Keeper – John D
Minutes approved by email
Property - Nancy
Here is a copy of the Property Report sent out by Nancy:
Thanks to Steve Iaia and Deb and Bill, the rental apartment looks great and is ready for move in next week. Steve painted the apartment, along with the bedroom floor (!), Deb cleaned, and Bill steam cleaned the carpet. A huge thanks to the three of them.
We have bees. And honey. Something is going on high in the wall of the chancel, and honey is dripping in significant quantities on the floor. Bill’s assessment is that some sort of crisis happened and the bees are trying hard to resolve the situation. At this point the main issue has to do with the honey—we do not seem to be on the verge of a swarm inside the church proper. The situation is being monitored and if we need to reach out to Cornell or Rochester Beekeeping we will. The problem is that there is no way to access where the bees are because they’re so high in the wall.
Most difficult: there has been significant water infiltration on the north wall of the nave (at the top of the organ loft staircase) and in the narthex on the southwest side. Our preservation architect Jennifer Ahrens came over, and with Deb and Steve examined as much as possible. Jennifer feels we are in an urgent situation, and is working to bring our roofer Kurt in as quickly as possible. The water infiltration is damaging the stenciling and paint; more important, it suggests we have a major breach in the roof or in the masonry. Stay tuned for developments.
As many of you know, CC was awarded two large ($47,000 and $50,000) grants from New York State. One is for security (including doors at Lawn Street), the other is for outdoor lighting. The contact with the state will be Deb VanderBilt.
Deb made the motion to pay Steve Iaia a $300 honorarium in regards to his extra work. Kristy seconded. The motion passed.
Finance Committee- Deb
The Mid year offering statements are going out.
We have One college student applicant for our Sunday school teacher position. Deb will look into enlisting a Christ Church high school student to act as the second Sunday School person.
Then came the discussion of this financial statement:
DRAFT 7/9/2023 – Prepared by Kathy Brennan on behalf of the Finance Committee
Investment Policy Statement
This Investment Policy Statement establishes the philosophy, guidelines, and investment objectives for managing the investments of the FUND.
The ultimate responsibility for managing the Fund resides with the VESTRY, which has chosen to delegate portions of its responsibility to the FINANCE COMMITTEE, which will administer the portfolio of the Fund in accordance with these guidelines. These guidelines shall be reviewed at least annually by the Finance Committee to determine whether they should be amended or remain unchanged. The Finance Committee may choose to employ an outside investment manager. The Finance Committee will make any necessary recommendations to the Vestry.
The assets of the Fund are to be invested with the same care, skill, and diligence that a prudent investor would exercise in investing institutional endowment funds. The primary objective will be to provide a total return commensurate with the Spending Policy and achieve growth in principal to keep pace with inflation, net of all investment fees.
Investment Guidelines
Time Horizon
The Fund’s investment objectives and strategic asset allocation are based on a long-term horizon.
Risk Tolerance
Because of its long-term horizon, the Fund can tolerate some interim fluctuation in market value and rates of return in order to achieve its objectives. High-level risk, high volatility, and low-quality rated securities, however, are to be avoided.
Allocation of Responsibilities
The Finance Committee will meet with potential Investment Managers and make a choice based on the Manager’s investment philosophy, track record, fee structure, recognition of and commitment to the Church’s investment goals and needs, and any other criteria they deem appropriate.
The Finance Committee will meet with the Investment Manager to determine initial asset allocation and industry benchmarks against which performance will be measured. The Investment Manager should report to the Finance Committee no less than quarterly.
Spending Policy
Money will be distributed from the Fund annually at the recommendation of the Finance Committee and approval of the Vestry.
Funds available for distribution will be determined by using a total return principle, i.e. return derived from dividends and interest as well as realized [and unrealized] capital gains. The funds available for distribution during any one year will be limited to a percentage of the market value of the Fund that is based on a three-year rolling average, with measure taken at the end of each of the preceding twelve quarters. The market value for this purpose will be taken net of the fees for investment management.
[What provision do we use for the first three years?]
The percentage of the Fund made available for distribution shall be determined each year by recommendation of the Finance Committee and approval by the Vestry. The percentage will normally fall in the range of 3% to 5%. In so doing, market performance of the portfolio will be an important consideration. It will be the goal of the Finance Committee to grow, or at least maintain, the purchasing power of the Fund, taking into account the impact of inflation and fees.
Here are a few threads which came up in the discussion.
1)This is a blueprint for an investment manager.
2)This is a way to get our finances on solid footing.
3) Think of it in the same terms which one would think of when regarding a retirement plan: one does not spend all of one’s retirement savings in one year.
4) We can designate how we spend the interest from the investment. ( building maintenance; outreach; staff salaries; funding of special music events, plays, or other ways of sharing ourselves with the community at large; to name a few examples.)
5) We can request social conscious investing.
6) Preservation of the endowment will encourage others to designate Christ Church in their will because they will see that the Vestry is interested in keeping the church going into the future.
7) The Finance Committee will do nothing without Vestry approval.
8) Kathy’s church finance mosaic includes 3 Sources of income: Stewardship; Money from the Building, i.e. rent; and, money from interest from endowments.
Deb made the motion that we approve the Investment Policy Statement. John D’Amanda seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Joelle leaving - Val & Jim
Christ Church Secretary Joelle Esler has given notice that she will be leaving as of September 1. The plan is for Joelle to complete all of the bulletins for services up to and including September 3. Otherwise, we will try to fit in temporary help as needed in the office, until Ruth returns from her sabbatical. The current Administrative Assistant position is 10 hours a week at $16.25/hour. Kathy will bring to the Finance Committee the question of increasing hours and pay for this job in the future.
U of R update- John D’Amanda
There has been a downtime in this project of getting the shared Christ Church/University of Rochester Lease into shape for the future. John D’Amanda will give to Nancy availability times for when U of R Representative Mark Wright can tour our facility, which is the next step in the proceedings.
Security ideas for doorways- Everybody
The problem is that the doorway for Delmonico & Dugdale is being used as a toilet. Our tenants can actually observe this taking place in real time by looking on their Ring Security Camera.
A grill gate closing off all three of our garden doors, so they all are not always accessible, was suggested. Only, do it in a way that doesn’t scream, “ Get Out ! “. Maybe closing off just two doors would be more aesthetically pleasing. Either way, this is one component which can be addressed in using our NYS Grant money.
This brought up a discussion of other doors at Christ Church, and, especially, the Parking Lot doors. Accessibility, Security, Monitoring, and, Hobbit Door were the Key words that kept coming up.
Deb will ask our NYS Grant Advisor if we are held to exactly what we said we would do in the grant request.
Uber fund -
A new parishioner called the office asking for a ride from Greece to church and back home, every week. This highlights a need for how, in general, we might provide for such a need. Do we have petty cash for people who can’t get to church, and who also can’t afford an Uber ? Add this to the stewardship list of things we can think about.
Stewardship leadership opportunity
The Stewardship drive needs to be organized.
Nancy will do the creative part of the Stewardship letter to the parish featuring art, testimonials, and the such. Shirley will act as liaison to Ruth regarding Ruth’s contribution to that Stewardship letter. Deb will arrange for the Offering Cards to be printed. Kathy, Val, and Mike Fleche will plan the Stewardship Dinner, including picking a date. A Talent Show was suggested.
1)Jim reported hearing about a 99 years old very frail, very blind, and quite deaf parishioner who has expressed her heartfelt desire to worship in person at a Sunday Service. There was brainstorming about how to safely make this happen.Shirley will talk to the daughter-in-law of our parishioner to inquire about several options for fulfilling her request. Jim will forward this progress to the VOC contributor.
2)The next VOC entertained this evening had to do with a Democrat and Chronicle August 10 news report which indicated that the church garden area abutting the Rochester Contemporary Art Center is ROCO’s Courtyard. This was mentioned deep inside an article about the annual anti-gun-violence community event sponsored by ROCO. This VOC inspired the thoughts that during said event next year, Christ Church can join in solidarity with ROCO by opening the church during the event for silent prayer; or, even to arrange for music to enhance the praying. Meanwhile, Deb will discuss all of this with ROCO Executive Director and Curator Bleu Cease.
Action Items Review:
1) Kathy will bring this to the Finance Committee: Increasing the hours for the new Administrative Assistant to 15 hours/week. And, increasing the pay, as well.
2) John D’Amanda will give the possible times for Mark Wright to walk through the Christ Church building, to Nancy.
3) Deb will ask the Door and Security Grant Contact Contact Person about if there is leeway in fulfilling the wording of the grant.
4) Shirley will talk to Rosemary, Gwen Mabie’s daughter-in-law, about several options concerning Gwen’s desire to attend a Sunday service in person. (Jim will tell Carolyn Mauro that Shirley is emailing Rosemary, as a follow up to Carolyn’s VOC.)
5) Deb will talk to ROCO Executive Director/Curator Bleu Cease about opening up the church for prayer and/or having music played in the church during next year’s ROCO Anti-gun Event.
Closing Prayer: Deb
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry
Vestry Minutes for July 2023
There was no meeting, but a vote was made through email communication.
Here is the motion:
Be it resolved that Ronald Vukman be removed as an authorized signature on any and all Christ Church accounts at Key Bank.
Resolved that Margaret Love and Ruth Ferguson be included as authorized signatures for all Christ Church’s accounts at Key Bank.
This motion was passed by a majority of the Vestry via e-mail on July 5, 2023.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Vestry Minutes June 20, 2023
Present: Val Jutsum and Jim Kurmis, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, John Fields, Kristy Liddell, Nancy Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Absent: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. John D’Amanda, Vestry.
Meeting Chair: Jim.
Opening Prayer: Shirley.
Time Keeper: Nancy.
April Minutes and May Agenda approved by email.
Please Note: The Vestry voted by email to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Anthony Letchworth. The person chosen was Norma Hopcraft. Norma did not receive this news until after tonight’s meeting.
1.Kristy led a period of Contemplative space-making prayer for the parish. Sometimes called Soaking Prayer, this prayer format presents persons and/or situations unto God. The hope is to soak these persons, or these situations, in a bath of God’s grace and love. We did this tonight to remember the many parishioners who are currently in periods of distress.
2.Finance Committee with special consideration of music budget.Led by Deb. First of all, here is a copy of the Finance Committee Report.
Report from Finance Committee Meeting June 19, 2023
Report is attached and copied below.
Stephen met with the Executive committee and also with Norm and Michelle specifically. Finance's initial suggestion is to create a bank account for Music. Capital Campaign's account is no longer required, so we will move that balance into Operating ($450.00) and use that account for Music funds. Finance will include oversight of this account in its monthly meetings.
Kathy is working on the Investment Policy but it is not complete. We will have significant funds after the Casterline bequest is complete. Kathy suggested we ask Nannette Nocon for advice on a possible manager for these funds. Deb will contact her.
The apartment has been rented to Rebecca Smithorn, former member of the parish who is returning to pursue her doctorate at ESM. Because she is a parishioner, we did not do a background check or credit check, but we will do those for future tenants. The rent will be $600/month, a 1-year lease.
The committee discussed the CDP grant we have applied for. Because we already applied, we won't withdraw the application, but next year we will pause our requests because of the substantial bequest gift we received this year.
Finance discussed the importance of using the draw from bequest funds and not the principal. With our current deficit, and without other avenues for reducing the deficit (which may be coming), our funds would be spent in just a few years on operating and maintenance costs. Both outreach and building maintenance are considerations for all unrestricted bequests.
A little background: Stephen Kennedy was informed by our Accountant,Michelle Bryant, that the Music Budget was in the red. These numbers did not agree with Stephen’s records. One problem, here, is that now is the time for Stephen to offer contracts to musicians for September. Not a good time to find out that the money that he thought that he had to work with, was, in fact, not there. Also, this led to another problem: there was a discrepancy between what Friends of Music has been given, and what had been recorded in QuickBooks. [Friends of Music is for supporters of any of the music events connected with Christ Church Rochester. QuickBooks by Intuit is bookkeeping software.] No one is being blamed for this discrepancy. But, rather, I think that it is fair to surmise that we discovered that the system for managing the budget line item for Music which had developed in the past needed to be re-examined and redesigned.
Here’s the plan. Moving forward, an account separate from the Church Operating Fund will be used for the Music Budget donations, exclusively. And, a separate PayPal account will be created just for Friends of Music.
As to how to make that account happen, Christ Church already has a second bank account which is currently being used for the Capital Campaign. The money in that account will be emptied, and now that account will be designated to be the Music Fund. A certain amount of seed money (the amount of which is to be determined by the Executive Committee) will be placed into the Music Fund. The idea is that this seed money represents in part what should have been there, if all Friends of Music donations had been so recorded. The new Music Fund seed money is not to be used all for this year. Rather, it is to be used both for this year, and for the future. It is interesting to note that the Church Fiscal Year is the Calendar Year, whereas the Music Fund’s Fiscal Year is from September to May. That complicates the accounting. Deb will produce a Complete Music Budget compilation at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
The Executive Committee will meet within the week to discuss how much money to put into the Music Fund as seed money. And, the Vestry wants Val and Jim to tell Stephen that the whole Vestry supports him.
3.Authorization Conversation for David Jutsum’s Sponsorship for the Priesthood. Led by Jim:
Ruth has already approved David for continuing his steps in the process of becoming an Episcopal priest. More than two-thirds of the Vestry must also vote to support and endorse David’s request to be named a candidate in the process for Holy Orders to the Priesthood. Tonight was time for that to be discussed.
These are some of the questions asked of David, who appeared via Zoom:
Tell us about your calling to the Priesthood. What made you want to become a priest?
Tell us about your internship at Christ Church Pittsford. What have been some of the challenges you’ve faced?
What have you learned about yourself since your internship began?
Describe your strengths/weaknesses for us.
Tell us about your prayer life.
Working in priestly ministry can be rewarding as well as draining at times. Tell us how you practice self-care.
How do you see yourself growing in the ministry?
Val and Dave left the room. David left the Zoom. The Vestry discussed, and then unanimously voted to support David. Jim will send letters to ; Bishop Provisional in Rochester The Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane; Rev. Debs Duguid-May, the Diocesan Dean for Discernment; and, to David. David will then write an official letter to the bishop, asking to continue on the path toward Priesthood.
Big Dreams. Led by Jim:
Tonight, the Big Dreams section of the meeting featured a continuing discussion of items brought up during #2, Finance CommitteeReport.
VOC: none.
Other Topics Discussed At This Point in the Meeting:
*The City of Rochester will provide Christ Church with at least one Narcan Station.
*We need to ensure that during Ruth’s sabbatical, the scheduled substitute clergy are aware that they are expected, according to our schedule. Val will so do.
*We will have a Zoom Vestry Meeting in July, to cover whatever needs to be addressed. We will have an in person Vestry meeting in August, including plans for Sunday School and other Fall Programs. Ruth is now scheduled to return in September.
Action Items Review:
1.For Deb: At the next Annual Meeting, we will present the Music Budget “Real” numbers.
2. Val and Jim will tell Stephen Kennedy that the Vestry supports his Music
3. Jim will write letters to Bishop Provisional in Rochester Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, and to Diocesan Dean for Discernment
Rev. Debs Duguid-May, saying that the Vestry voted unanimously to support and
endorse David Jutsum’s request to be named a Candidate in the process for
Holy Orders to the Priesthood. Jim will also call David to tell him this news, and send him a copy of our letter.
4. Val will forward Stephen Kennedy’s budget and, also, his report to the
Executive Committee, to the Vestry.
5.For the Executive Committee: That Committee will meet within a week to
discuss the Music Budget.
6. Val will make sure that the supply priests know that we are expecting them for
the following Sunday.
7. There will be a Zoom Vestry Meeting in July to cover whatever needs to be
Kristy led the Closing Prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Christ Church Vestry Minutes: April 18, 2023.
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Val Jutsum, Warden. Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Anthony Letchworth, Kristy Liddell, Nancy Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Absent: Jim Kurmis, Warden.
Meeting Chair: Ruth.
Opening Prayer: Nancy.
Time Keeper: John Fields.
Led by Val.
Kristy will be the Vestry Liaison for Weddings, and, for The Garden.
Shirley will talk to Ruth about the Care Team which is currently rather an ad hoc enterprise.
Led by Nancy.
Security panels which connect our sprinkler system to the company which monitors the sprinkler system are so outdated that they cannot be used. We will wait to find out the results of our grant application to NYS in July to consider alternatives for getting new panels.
The Sacred Sites Tour is happening Saturday, May 20, 9AM-3PM; and, Sunday, May 21, 2PM-4PM. Val, Deb, and Nancy will work on signs advertising the tours.
Led by John D’Amanda.
John summarized his progress in negotiations underway with UR.
Led by Ruth.
Ruth provided an update on the situation involving an individual named Raylon Robinson. Mr. Robinson was alleged to have threatened people in our building with a knife. He is not to be allowed into any part of Christ Church. The Father’s House is looking for alternative methods of providing food for Mr. Robinson at other locations.
Also, there was an incident wherein a visiting organist’s rental vehicle parked in our lot was broken into, stolen from, and vandalized.
There was a discussion about ways to ramp up security in our building, and on our grounds.
Rector’s Report:
Led by Ruth
Ruth is designating using $5,000 in Amsden Funds to support the liturgy at: All Saints Day; Lessons and Carols; Candlemas; and The Great Vigil of Easter.
She is also setting aside $4,000 from Amsden to pay for two people leading Christian Ed during Sunday Services.
She is also bumping up our Amsden giving to seminarian David Jutsum ( the Younger).
Ruth will be away on vacation May 3-24.
She will also be away for two Sundays in June.
Ruth’s Clergy Sabbatical will be for 7 weeks in July and August.
The exact date of that anniversary is Sunday, April 23. Ruth offered a brief and charming tour of some highlights of those 25 years.
From Kristy: The flowers on the steps leading up to the chancel serve to block the railings, and thereby constitute a safety hazard. Deb will pass this on to Alter Guild Head Bill Soleim.
From Ruth:
Val and Jim will lead the next Vestry Meeting, in her absence. Ruth asked the Vestry to help those two in that endeavor.
From several persons:
Let’s pray for the people whose presence we are securing our building against.
1. Deb will tell Bill about the need to keep flowers from blocking the railings and the steps leading into the chancel.
2. Ruth will not be here for the May Vestry meeting. Val and Jim will lead it. Everyone help them out in fulfilling that task.
3. Pray for the individuals whose threats have caused them to be banned from entering our building.
4. In answer to Deb’s question, the volunteers for performing the church audit include Jim Kurmis, Kristy Liddell, and Nancy Norwood
5. Val, Nancy and Deb will work on signs advertising Sacred Sites Tours to take place on 5/20, 9-3; and, 5/21, 2-4
Led by Nancy.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Vestry Meeting- March 21, 2023
Report on Exec & Finance Meeting with Diocesan CFO Todd Rubiano-Kyle, Nancy, John D, Deb, and Ruth
Treasurer Norm Geil, along with Ruth, Kyle, Nancy, and John D’Amanda met with Diocesan CFO Todd Rubiano. (Deb and Bill Soleim have joined Finance.) The subjects were our lease agreement with Eastman School of Music; our current deficit; and, other financial matters. Potential options for the future of the building were discussed.
We are looking for sources of revenue which could help CC to remain a viable entity. The Finance Team has put together a spreadsheet including number of pledging members, plate income, and, budget. When compared with other Diocesan parishes, Christ Church is better than average in most categories.
Many ideas were chewed over at this point in the evening. Our building represents a prime piece of real estate in the middle of the city. There is the potential for enhanced Diocesan and Community links. We are seeking a way for us to be less intimidated by finances. Rather, by reconfiguring what we are and how we do what we are doing, we can focus on our ways in which we seek after God.
7:10 – 7:30 Update on ESM Lease – John D.:
John D. reviewed that his first contact with University of Rochester Representative Mark Wright was on February 16. They talked again on March 9. Renegotiation of the lease agreement between Christ Church and the Eastman School of Music continued to be the topic. UR is the parent organization of ESM. UR and CC are still in the early phases of discerning the ins and outs of the lease agreement, both present and potential future. John D. will send the information that Mr. Wright requested.
At this point in the meeting there were a lot of ideas discussed about how bright our shared future might be. Christ Church needs to look at creative ways to use our spaces for a combination of outreach and rental income. In that context, there are some options which can lead into grants.
Property Report – John F
Things in progress:
Carpet will soon be installed into Steve Iaia’s southern apartment. (This hasn’t happened yet—although it needs to happen quickly!) The northern apartment, which is currently empty, can be refurbished for approximately $2,000 (Did this number come from John F.? I’m wondering about that cost, since the estimate to replace the carpet in Steve’s apartment is $3,000). It should then bring a healthy monthly rent.
Painting has started in the downstairs hallway. The oak floor in the downstairs Lawn Street hallway will be sanded and sealed by June 1. The upstairs Lawn Street hallway floor work will be completed by July 1.
Roofing Contractor Kurt’s first payment will be due when Kurt begins his Sacristy Roof Job.That payment represents ¼ of the complete payment of $88,000.
The shutoff valve on the water heater on the fourth floor was not working and caused a major leak on the evening of Wednesday, March 9. Sexton Steve Iaia and John F. responded quickly and got the problem under control. An insurance adjuster will be coming to look at the damage. John F. and contractor Ray Stehovic looked it over for potential water damage problems. They don’t think we will need to take the 3rd floor nursery ceiling down; we can remove the carpet and repaint the ceiling. The Property Committee is meeting tomorrow. The Vestry sends it’s thanks to Steve and John for taking care of this huge problem.
Rector’s Report
Firstly, Kyle reported that he has written a letter to be made available to people who attend Compline. Kyle sent this copy of that letter soon after tonight’s meeting:
Compline and Christ Church Needs Your Help!
Compline is a joint effort of ESM and CC that is in our 2?th year. Christ Church's small congregation maintains the building and supplies the volunteers that make Compline possible. Sharing our building's beautiful space and incredible acoustics is part of our mission as a community. Our community is dedicated but we need you and your support.
Please donate to help us maintain the building:
Beyond our planned building improvements and repairs as part of our successful capital campaign, Christ Church has recently had to pay for critical repairs to our heating system and other projects. Due to these extra expenses, and the difficulties of the pandemic, Christ Church is facing two years of $70,000 budget deficits. ??% of our budget goes towards building maintenance, utilities, support staff, and employee insurance. We need your support to keep this special space in good condition.
Please volunteer to keep compline running smoothly:
Our volunteers do everything except sing. Our ushers help you find a seat in the dark and put out the candles, but we also work a few extra minutes before and after to set up, light, and put away candles on Sunday nights, and set up stands and candles on Sunday morning. Our goal is that most volunteers only work one night per month. We need a few additional volunteers to meet that goal.
Please consider joining our community:
Compline is a beautiful expression of our community's values and traditions. Please consider visiting the other expressions of our community and our traditions at our Sunday morning services, our weekday prayer services, our book studies and other groups, and at our other volunteering and service events.
If you can help us in any of these ways, please leave your contact information in the offering plate, or email the rector at
Ruth reported that the Great Vigil will be on Holy Saturday at 7:00 at Christ Church. It will not be an event combined with other parishes this year.
Ruth will be out of town several times in the Spring, due to family commitments, and a parishioner’s out of town wedding.
Ruth gave thanks to Jim, and Anthony and Nancy for leading the Lenten regathering retreats. She received fantastic feedback from last Saturday’s beginning meeting.
Jim asked if we could talk about the deficit next month. It will be put on agenda for April.
Action Items Review :
1.Discussion of the Christ Church Deficit will be placed on April Vestry Agenda.
2.We will discuss Kyle’s letter to Compline People
3.Nancy and Deb will meet with Wedding Coordinator Elizabeth Dugdale about reaching out more aggressively for recruiting weddings at Christ Church.
4.John D. will talk about his investigations into the Amsden Fund
CLOSING PRAYER (John D) & Adjourn
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Vestry Minutes February:
Vestry Meeting – Monday, February 27, 2023
Present: Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Val Jutsum and Jim Kurmis, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, John Fields, Anthony Letchworth, Kristy Liddell, Nancy Norwood, Shirley Ricker, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Norm Geil, Treasurer. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Absent: Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda.
Meeting Chair – Ruth
Opening Prayer – Ruth
Next meeting will be Vestry Orientation.
Time Keeper – Deb
Minutes approved by email
Confirmation of approval of Agenda completed by e-mail.
Opening Prayer & Welcome of New Vestry & New Vestry Year:
Val welcomed the new vestry members. She gave thanks to those members who have left, Kyle Liddell, Warden; and, Carolyn Mauro, Vestry.
Property: Ruth, Nancy and Norm contributed.
1.Delmonico & Dugdale Strings:
Ruth and Norm met with John Delmonico and James Dugdale III, owners of Delmonico & Dugdale Strings. The lease has been signed. Keys for their office in the Johnson Tower will be given to them March 1. This is their business plan, concerning their customers coming in and out. Patrons will come to their business by appointment, only. Patrons will use the Tower door. (We are in the process of changing the locks on that door.) A bell system will be used to signal the arrival of shop patrons. The Executive Committee has approved simple, noninvasive signage for that door. It is not anticipated that there will be a problem of music from the shop or from the sanctuary being overheard in either place. For the most part, it will be quiet work which should not disturb organists. Also, most organ notes are not heard in the office. We will deal with sound issues if and when they happen. The rent is $350/month. Parking at the Inn on Broadway will be used by shop patrons on A Meal and More days.
2.Nancy moved that the Vestry approve the expenditure, not to exceed $500, for repair of the sprinkler security system. Deb seconded the motion. The motion passed.
3.Property is still at work on how to improve the Lawn Street and Parking Lot doors.
Treasurer”s Report: Given by Norm.
1.We are pretty much on target for our budget.
2. Starting in February we will begin the accelerated process of completing the payoff of our diocesan loan. Finance is considering transferring some funds from for a higher interest rate. Finance will be giving a recommendation to the vestry about this.
3. Some year end statements have gone out by email. The next step is to announce at the Sunday Services that the statements will be available in the back of church. After that, we will send out the rest.
Appointment of Audit Committee: Norm & Deb:
Jim K, Kristy, and Nancy volunteered to serve on the Audit committee. The Church Audit happens in May.
Grants Applied For: Reported by Nancy and Deb:
We have applied for two security grants. One would provide an upgraded security system. This would include improving security at all doors. The second grant is for the improvement of outdoor lighting. That would include all outdoor pathways, plus every entrance. In July we will find out if we were given the grants.
Latest security issue: Reported by Ruth:
A man has been identified as a dangerous person who should not be allowed entry into the church building. He has been observed loitering inside of the outer Parking Lot doors. He calls himself Moses Elijah. His photo is being disseminated to the Vestry (by Val), and to the staff (by Ruth).The entranceway in the parking lot in question presents this conflict: on the one hand, that little anteroom between doorways can be used to hide individuals who have ill intent; while, on the other hand,it is a place that can help people find shelter. This problem represents the ambiguities and uncertainties of being a city parish. We currently have no official protocols for people coming to the door for needs.
Discussion of “Term Sheet:” Rector, Exec Team, Finance-a lot of people chimed in:
1.Christ Church and The University of Rochester/Eastman School of Music share the original lease of the space which the organs occupy in the building, as well as the times spent using that space by representatives of both entities. Both sides are supposed to revisit that lease every 25 years. We have started to prepare for that revisit. John D’Amanda has made a rough proposal which exists as the core of this conversation about the lease, as we go forward. After examining the current lease, John came up with what he calls a Term Sheet. Reading the Term Sheet will help give the Vestry an initial understanding of details of John”s analysis. Feel free to toss out questions, and John can address them.
2. The Executive Committee will meet March 6 with John D’Amanda to consolidate the Terms Sheet.
3.Kyle came up with a software package which will offer moment by moment flexibility in the sharing of the church sanctuary between Christ Church and the ESM Organ Department. The purpose is that everyone will know who is doing what, and when. Changes to the calendar can be made moment by moment, and everyone can see it. Kyle,Nancy, and Deb will train ESM staff on this software. This training is expected to be done before the next vestry meeting. Kyle also did a video tutorial on how to use the software.
4. Also brought up at this juncture: Can The Father’s House Staff also be trained to use a calendar for sharing the kitchen? Ruth will talk to Jeremy from The Father’s House about that.
Rector’s Report: Presented by Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, of course:
A long time ago, Mrs. Amsden gave money to Christ Church so that young men seeking ministry would have use of these funds for their education. The Rector is in charge the distribution of those funds. After consulting the Executive Committee, Ruth has approved spending $ 9500 a year for the following: helping to support our seminarian, Dave Jutsum; support for the education of choral scholars; helping to fund student consorts ( music ministry) for Lessons and Carols and Candlemass; and, potentially paying for Nursery and Sunday school teachers. Ruth asked for names of people who might be interested in filling those paid positions.
2.Ruth is in the process of filling out the Parochial Report, which is due March 1. This is a National Church report requiring answers to intricate questions about the parish. As such, it stimulates thinking about how churches grow today, in the aftermath of the pandemic. Christ Church has been doing a little joyful growing. The Executive Committee will start to think about ways we could develop discipleship outreach. Ruth encouraged the Vestry to pray about it, and to think about it.
3.Bishop search:
February 28 is the Steering Committee meeting about selecting candidates for the Search Committee for a new Bishop. Rev. Julie Cicora will be in charge of that committee. Rev. Keisha Stokes will be assisting her. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be investing a new bishop in July 2024.
4.A new fellowship group for elderly parishioners will be meeting for lunch at Ruth’s house once a month, beginning in March.
1.Ice in the Parking Lot: Ruth is working with Sexton Steve Iaia about what he needs for ice removal from the parking lot during severe weather events. We will consider adding a salter with the plowing service next year.
2.The hallway and narthex monitors should be turned on during Compline and the 8:00 Sunday Service: People can be taught to turn on the monitors in the hallway and the narthex. Val will help with that task. This will help to spread the word about upcoming Christ Church events.
3.Nancy reported a VOC about someone desiring two pledge record statements per year. Norm and our accountant, Michelle, have made this happen.
4. A car belonging to a parishioner was towed from the parking lot: More details are needed. We will investigate. Ruth will talk to Steve Iaia; Val will talk to the person whose car was towed from the church parking lot; and, Jim will send that same person a pastoral letter.
5.Deb said that Coffee Hour Servers are concerned that Coffee Hour is not being well attended: Let’s consider going back to having Coffee Hour at the back of church. Ruth will work with the Coffee Hour Team on this.
Action Items Review:
1. Val will send the photo of the individual known as Moses Elijah to the Vestry. He is not to be allowed in the building.
2. Ruth will send the same security info to Stephen Kennedy.
3. Ruth will contact Jeremy from Father’s House about kitchen use and calendar.
4. All Vestry are encouraged to make suggestions about two paid nursery/ Sunday School teachers whom Ruth would like to hire.
5. Val will teach people about how to turn on the monitors in the hallway and the narthex.
6. Ruth will talk to Steve; Val will talk to the person whose car was towed from the church parking lot; and, Jim will send that same person a pastoral letter: all in reference to this incident of a parishioner’s car being towed from our lot.
7. Ruth will work with the coffee hour Team about the coffee hour
CLOSING PRAYER (Jim) & Adjourn
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.
Vestry Minutes January:
Present: The Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Nancy Norwood, Wardens. Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Val Jutsum, James Kurmis, Anthony Letchworth, Carolyn Mauro, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Excused: Kathy Brennan, Vestry
Please note that this meeting was conducted over ZOOM.
Meeting Chair – Ruth
Opening Prayer – Kyle
Time Keeper – John Fields
Minutes approved by email
Confirmation of approval of Agenda
Finance Report: Deb reported.
Finance is planning on paying back our Diocesan loans in a one lump sum payment. We will save a significant amount of interest that way, and, by so doing, we will be debt free by August, 2024. If we decide to go by half payments, that date would be December, 2025.
Sharing importance of pledges with parish at Annual Meeting:
Kathy and Meg will encourage everyone to fill out their yearly pledge card, at the Annual Meeting. Also. Deb pointed out that those who last year contributed toward helping work down the deficit, could be encouraged at the Annual Meeting to add that amount to this year’s pledge.
Kyle suggested a slide be added to the monitors to include a message about giving.
Ruth will bring official Episcopal Bequest materials to be made available at the Annual Meeting.
Nancy suggested restarting the program we had about how to make out your will; that program was canceled because of Covid.
Val said that there will be a place on the new website about the importance of pledging and of naming Christ Church Rochester as beneficiary in your estate planning.
Update on ESM/UR conversations: John D and Kyle:
Progress is in process!
While at this meeting, Kyle sent to the Vestry a presentation for demo of new Christ Church/Eastman School of Music shared sanctuary space calendar and tablets. (Not Stone Tablets)
Property Updates: John F. and Nancy:
Delmonico and Dugdale Strings should be taking possession of their new space in the Johnson Office on February 1. John Fields was thanked for his work on this endeavor. John in turn thanked Ian and Noah Fields, Nancy, Deb, Brandon, and Rich.
The Property Commission met with Action Security, the company which originally installed our basement sprinkler security system. Property received quotes for revamping our security systems. Deb and Nancy are busy writing a grant which, if given, would help to pay for that work.
Bathroom renovation in Anthony’s apartment on the fourth floor should happen beginning next week.
The sanding of the floors where the Lawn Street wall work was completed, is in the works.
John Fields announced that he will be stepping back from his active role on the Property Commission. Ruth led a hearty round of thanks for John’s tremendous efforts as Head of Property over the past years.
Rector’s Report
Ruth would like to see a specific Christ Church outreach enterprise develop, as a result of suggestions made at the Annual Meeting. At that meeting, there will be different stations which represent various areas of church-type stuff. People can express their sensibilities, their ideas, and their willingness to participate.
Also at the Annual Meeting, Ruth wants to preview a Lenten Spiritual Formation Experience Catechism Group which would lead to an Easter Even making and renewing Baptismal Vows.
Furthermore, Ruth wants to have a Lenten Regathering Meeting, similar to the ones we had last year. The theme of the meeting would be: Where are we headed.
Plus, Ruth envisions an” Old People’s Youth Group Lunch at Ruth’s House” monthly meeting, where old people can talk about whatever they would like to talk about, including, but not limited to, Old People Stuff.
Finally, Ruth wants to see us have a church school, once again.
Gratitude for Carolyn and Kyle’s service on Vestry (Nancy and all):
Thanks were given to Carolyn for her six years serving on the Vestry. Her Christ Church Birthday Card Service will be handed over to Norma Kurmis.
Thanks were also given to Kyle for his four years as Warden: most especially for all of that amazing IT work during the pandemic.
The Parking Lot Doors are very hard to open, especially if you have got something in your hands. Response: Nancy and John Fields are diligently working on a replacement solution.
The February Vestry meeting was scheduled for Shrove Tuesday. Response: the meeting will be moved to February 28.
John and Kathy D’Amanda expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the joyful baptisms of their grandchildren, Jake and EmmaLou. Response: We agree that it was amazing and joyful.
Action Items Review
Ruth will bring materials about National Church Bequest Information to the Annual Meeting.
The Next Vestry Meeting has been changed to February 28, 2023.
CLOSING PRAYER was led by Ruth.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum.
Vestry Minutes December 2022
Norm Geil, treasurer attended the meeting to discuss the budget for 2023.
The budget indicates a significant deficit, which is entirely due to increased salaries (which were increased mid-year last year). Including a 2% increase in salaries will add another $4,000 to the budget. The Vestry approved this level of increase in salaries.
34 pledge cards were returned. A suggestion was made to discuss pledge cards at the annual meeting, providing some guidance and discussing confidentiality: new people may not know how Christ Church is funded by parishioners.
It was suggested that we highlight at the annual meeting that we need to include our deficit reduction gift in our giving this year, and also remind people to include CC in their will. (We will restart our planned giving programming that was interrupted by Covid.)
ACTION ITEM: Finance will report at January Vestry meeting about their plans to talk about financial issues at the Annual meeting. (e.g. We need your input to plan!) Kathy or Meg will present at the annual meeting.
Other financial information: The church has an 80K invoice for Sacristy Roof, a long-standing property priority because of leaks and occasional flooding on the sacristy floor. There is a small discount if we pay before Jan 1.
End-of-year statements: our Accountant doesn't have software to create a year-end statement. She will contact our former Quickbooks consultant for information on that. The Vestry also noted that statements should be sent out, preferably quarterly, next year.
The Rector's Housing Allowance for 2023 passed unanimously:
Be It Resolved That: Whereas, Ruth Ferguson is employed as a minister of Christ Church Rochester, which does not provide a residence for him/her, the Vestry of Christ Church Rochester resolves that of her total compensation in 2023, $23,000 be designated a parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986 and this designated amount be assumed to be the amount in future years, as long as she is employed at Christ Church Rochester, unless amended.
John D'Amanda discussed progress on his talks with ESM leadership on the organ lease. He is assembling a term sheet which is the next step (clarifying some of the ambiguous terms in the lease). John also met with Archive librarians from the UR. They have a specific curator of church records. They were impressed with what we had. Their plan will be presented to the Vestry ultimately and we will vote.
Kyle: A new calendar system is the focus of his work on the ESM partnership. The church office, ESM schedulers, and others who use the church for activities will be able to use it.
Christ Church Vestry
Minutes, November 15, 2022
Vestry Meeting – Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Present: The Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Nancy Norwood, Wardens.
Kathy Brennan, Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Val Jutsum, James Kurmis, Anthony Letchworth, Carolyn Mauro, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Norm Geil, Treasurer. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Meeting Chair – Ruth
Opening Prayer – Val
Time Keeper – Jim
Carolyn moved to accept October Minutes. Val seconded. Motion passed.
Confirmation of approval of Agenda
Report from Nominating Committee and Rector:
Vestry Report from Nominating Committee & Rector
on CC Leadership for 2023-2024
From Deb:
Ruth communicated with Nominating committee that Val Jutsum and Jim Kurmis have agreed to run as wardens.
Shirley Ricker and Kristy Liddell have agreed to run for vestry, and John Fields has agreed to run for a second term.
Thanks to the Nominating Committee: John Ford, Bill Soleim, Meg Love, Nancy Norwood, and Deb VanderBilt. Also, one person we asked, although they said no, requested if we could ask again next year, which made us happy!
From Ruth:
Val and Jim have agreed to run for wardens, with Kyle moving out of warden’s role to focus on property and CC/ESM liaison leadership and Nancy to focus on property and spiritual formation leadership.
Executive Committee for 2023-2024: Rector, Wardens, Deb (finance), and John D’Amanda (work with diocese and UR on lease agreement). Norm (Meal and More liaison) and Kyle (CC/ESM liaison) will attend executive committee meetings on occasion.
Ruth’s vision of leadership for 2023 onward: that whether you’re on or off as warden or vestry, you stay in the work you do best and that feeds you! This keeps the leadership strong and consistent, and allows everyone to go deeper into their vocational life and ministry at CC without term limits.
Finance Report: Norm
We are still doing very well with deficit reduction. At this time last year, our deficit was about $59,000. This year it is $8500. Finance will be working on a budget soon.
CC conversation with A Meal and More regarding Coffee Hour: Norm and Ruth
We discussed a proposal to move Meal and More from 1pm to 1:15pm on Sundays, with coffee hour in Guild Room ending at 12:50 as chairs are set up in Guild Room for MM guests.
Parishioners could be encouraged to exit church/coffee hour via Lawn St. On the subject of the Lawn St. door, security there is still under evaluation.
More on doors and ongoing Sunday service security questions: should 1 or 2 doors be open for the 11 am service? Should the garden door always be locked? Or, should it be locked 15 minutes after the service begins? Or, should it always be unlocked during the service? Compline uses only that door. We need to continue to seek input from our ushers on this matter. There was a general consensus tonight that the East Ave. entrance is of critical importance, especially in being accessible to newcomers on Sunday mornings.
More on the subject of security: should we hire an armed guard ? How would we pay for that service? Fund by grant? The Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes Grant is due Jan 31, 2023.
Property Report updates: Nancy and John F
Installation of new carpeting is almost completed.
The new ceiling light fixtures for between the sanctuary and the Guild Room have been bought. We are looking for someone to install.
Delmonico and Dugdale Strings: The question is, what church building entrance shall they use for their customers? Using the Broadway St. entrance would involve walking through the sanctuary during Eastman reserved times. Customer visits would be by appointment only. One alternative would be using the recessed East Ave. garden door at the base of the Johnson Tower. It is not currently in use. The locks are from 1910, but John has found a locksmith who can do the work.
Archive Room update: the question is, how much space do we need to move the archives? Could we use the office room in the basement?
The Property Committee needs to meet and entertain solutions for all of these matters. They will email a report to the Vestry.
Landmark Award! Nancy and Deb:
They represented Christ Church at the Landmark Society of Western New York Awards Ceremony. Christ Church received a 2022 Merit Award for significant infrastructure and cosmetic changes. We were the only house of worship to receive that award this year. Nancy spoke at the ceremony on behalf of Christ Church. We should be prepared to show the church on Saturdays after local publicity goes out.
Update on ESM/CC Calendar Conversation: Kyle:
In regards to scheduling times for using the sanctuary, Kyle proposed a new system which he has been working on developing. The general idea is using a program, on tablets, which would manage access for both Christ Church and the Eastman School of Music. Both parties will be able to make reservations in real-time, and both parties will immediately be aware of each other’s scheduling choices. Kyle will run tests, and set up a video demo.
Update on CC/UR Conversation: John D:
Progress is being made. Ruth, John D., and Kyle will work on a proposal for a new Lease Agreement with the Eastman School of Music.
Rector’s Report:
Ruth is on the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Rochester. That committee is in charge of finding a new bishop. In that regard, diocesan listening sessions are being made accessible to every parish in the diocese.they want to hear from every parish. This is a chance for people to talk about their experience of the diocese. That includes past, present, and future. This is an opportunity for our Vestry to openly voice concerns which which can be incorporated into the search for a new bishop.
A Festival of Lessons and Carols is coming December 9 at 7:00 PM. This year’s marvelous entry into that marvelous tradition will be all about a realized eschatology. Ruth handed out copies of the Service plans.
Welcoming children & newcomers: It’s time to figure out how to have a nursery. And, perhaps a youth service once or twice a season.
Ruth handed out copies of the Action Items and Updates from “Parish Growth” Meeting.
An advent book study is being planned.
A centering prayer service on Saturdays, 3:45-5:00 PM, is coming.
VOC: Deb requested that we make extra bulletins, as we enter Advent. Move the number of copies up to up to 80. 200 would be good for Christmas Eve.
Next meeting: December 20 on Zoom. 6:30-7:30.
Action Items Review:
1. Property will meet and decide on Delmonico & Dugdale Strings issues, and email their report to the Vestry.
2. Deb will be prepared for showing the church on Saturdays, following the press release about the Landmark Society Award.
3. John D’Amanda, Kyle, and Ruth will work on a proposal for a new Lease Agreement with ESM.
4. Kyle will work on his video demo for church/Eastman scheduling of times for using the sanctuary.
5. A Security Committee is coming.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk
Vestry Meeting – Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Present: The Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Nancy Norwood, Wardens. Kathy Brennan, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Val Jutsum, James Kurmis, Anthony Letchworth, Carolyn Mauro, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Norm Geil, Treasurer. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Excused: Jeremy Cooney,
This Vestry Meeting was conducted over ZOOM.
Meeting Chair – Nancy
Opening Prayer – Jim
Time Keeper – Val
Minutes approved. The September Vestry Minutes were corrected to read that Carolyn was excused. ( My copy of the September Vestry Minutes already so read -Dave)
1. Request for a one-time amendment to bylaws regarding Warden’s term limits: John D’Amanda will check on the legal end of the rules concerning changing the length of Vestry and Wardens’ terms of service.
2. Finance Report: Treasurer Norm Geil reported a net operating deficit of $5,000. This is well below what was expected. The reasons for this include extra giving from the parish; receiving a large energy payment from Eastman School of Music; and, several weddings. Meanwhile, our investments have taken a hit due to the current financial condition. Ruth will ask Finance to consider options available to help repair the situation.
3.Update on leasing Candle Sacristy Space: The owners of Delmonico & Dugdale Strings met with us. The Lease agreement put together by John D’Amanda and Norm Geil is $450/month including utilities. This price is comparable to similar rent situations in the vicinity. Christ Church for it’s part needs to be sure that the rental space is ready (I.e.outer door, electric, tap water working). There are still other matters pending, including signage, doorbell, and alternate modes of entrance. Eastman needs to be kept abreast of potential comings/goings of store customers. There was also a discussion of possibly using spare rooms and the auditorium for storage and playing instruments. Delmonico and Dugdale comes with it’s own insurance. CC is following Diocesan guidelines for renting church space.
4. Property Report: John Fields reported that the ceiling in the Guild Room has been painted. Carpets have been installed in 2 rooms affected by water damage. Renovation of the Northern Apartment bathroom will probably fall in the 1-3,000 cost. Property met to review future repair projects. They discussed anticipating expenditures needed in the next 5-10 year time frame. For instance, we will need an up to date monitoring system which would tell the Fire Department when the sprinkler system is going off. Most companies deal with what for us would be a brand new system. Such anticipated repair needs could be included in the new vision of our Lease agreement with ESM. A Meal and More and The Father’s House could also be asked to help pay for projects which affect everyone.
5. Stewardship Committee Report: Deb reported that the Stewardship Dinner/Talent Show was a big success. Pledge cards are going out in the mail.
6. Rector’s Report: Ruth reported that the Standing Committee-on which she sits- will be holding a series of Listening Sessions apropos the election of a new bishop. Vestries will be invited. It’s ok to pause and figure out how to move forward.
Deb now reported that we have received $34,000 in a Diocesan Grant. Deb will bring in a thank you note to the November Vestry Meeting, for the Vestry to sign. Stephen Kennedy and Kyle also wrote grant applications. Stephen’s applications were about expanding our music program, I.e. Compline/voices/ outreach/young people. Kyle’s grant application improving our online programs by lending and giving mics and headphones.
Ruth noted that the more we can expand out is a way to improve “church”. It is a very real response to the general church decline which started in 2010.
7. VOC Anthony reported that the Parking Lot outer door is being left unlocked by Eastman students who are incorrectly using that means of egress.
Carolyn is stepping down after 6 years of sending out birthday cards to parishioners. Thank you, Carolyn, for performing that important task for all of that time!
Action Items Review:
1.John D’Amanda will check on the legal end of the rules concerning changing the length of Vestry and Wardens’ terms of service.
2.Deb will incorporate into a Finance Committee Meeting the discussion of what advisor is in the best position to guide our investments into a healthier state in the future.
3.Kyle will ask the Property Committee to do a walk through of the candle sacristy violin shop area, in order to make sure that we have done everything from our end to make that space ready for business. This includes a discussion of possible uses of other CC rooms for that business.
4.Nancy will keep trying to find a home for the Archives.
5.John D’Amanda will send the Vestry an email about tomorrow’s meeting with ESM.
6.Deb will bring a handwritten note of thanks for the Diocesan Congregational Development Grant to the November Vestry Meeting for everyone to sign.
7.Nancy will bring a plan for the Parking Lot Doors to Sexton Steve Iaia and to the Property Committee; this also includes re-establishing protocols for ESM students exiting the Christ Church building at night.
The Closing Prayer was led by Jim.
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Christ Church Vestry
September 27, 2022
Present: The Very Rev. Ruth Ferguson, Rector. Kyle Liddell and Nancy Norwood, Wardens. Jeremy Cooney, John D’Amanda, John Fields, Val Jutsum, James Kurmis, Anthony Letchworth, Deb VanderBilt, Vestry. Dave Jutsum, clerk.
Excused: Kathy Brennan, Carolyn Mauro.
Opening Prayer: Jeremy Cooney.
Timekeeper: John D’Amanda. Approval of Minutes & Agenda through email.
Vestry Comments:
Questions or comments on reports sent in writing – stewardship, finance, property.
FINANCE: Deb reported that CC accountant Michelle had recommended including all financial business in the monthly Finance report. Deb noted that our monthly income versus expenses deficit was $6623, down by $1180 from June’s deficit.
PROPERTY: The third floor nursery rooms look great, after being rehabbed, post water damage. Can we improve the rug in the Guild Room for not a whole lot of money? This improvement could increase attractiveness of the Christ Church venue to brides whose bridal party would use the Guild Room as a staging area.
STEWARDSHIP: Anthony said that the October 14 Talent Show /Potluck planning is coming along.
Rector and Vestry Discussion:
There was a brief opportunity to give feedback from the August Vestry Retreat.
Ruth reported on a meeting between Security Expert Mark Henderson, and lead staff and volunteers from A Meal and More and The Father’s House.
Security at the Sunday 11:00 service was discussed. One aspect is monitoring who comes into the building: Church Sexton Steve Iaia watches the Lawn Street parking lot door. Should the East Avenue door be kept locked? We currently use two ushers. Shall we use a crash bar on the East Avenue door, so that people can leave (but not get back in). Are Security Cameras an option which we would like to use? Kyle, Val, and Steve Iaia will do some crash door research.
Another aspect of the 11;00 service is church-goers leaving while A Meal and More guests are arriving. Can ESM, A Meal and More, and The Father’s House fund a security person(s)?
5.Changing 11 am to 10:30 am service:
People are not comfortable sharing coffee hour with Meal guests.
One option is to let Meal guests come in later, perhaps by half an hour. Meal has developed a system for guests during Covid which would be compromised by 11:00 Service. It is an outreach to let them come in and sit while waiting for ToGo Meals. This timing conflicts with Coffee Hour. The goal is to have no crossover at all.
Do we have authority to tell Meal when to serve? Why do we do meals on Sunday? Can we keep coffee hour in the back of the church? One VOC person dislikes doing it in there. Do we want to pursue changing to a 10:00 Service time? Our survey showed that people were pretty much split 50/50 between a 10:00 time and an 11:00 time. Very few supported changing to a 10:30 time. Ruth and the Wardens will meet with A Meal and More to discuss changing time or day of week for the Sunday Meal. Kyle and Jeremy will follow up on the conversation in regards to Sunday Service times. Is there internal or external data already available?
Proposed “ Religious Use Priority Hours “ ahead of meeting with the U of R :
John D’Amanda led an analysis of the Christ Church of Rochester Eastman School of Music Lease Agreement Abstract. John stressed the importance of being aware of what is in the Lease; and, also, how to apply that now, before we seek any changes in the Lease. For instance, written right into the Lease is the concept that both parties meet by September 1 to discuss access to the Sanctuary. (It was also noted that Eastman doctoral performances are commonly scheduled in the Spring. ) Many nuances in the Lease were discussed. These can be found on pages 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14 of that document. John marked each place in yellow. ( See attachment. ) Kyle, Nancy, and John will meet with the U of R in October exchanging plans for hours.
Ruth led a discussion of her Proposal for CC Priority Hours docx. The goal is to communicate clearly our priority hours for Sanctuary use. Many ideas were brought up, including Saturday liturgies; and, quiet times in the Sanctuary during Advent and Lent. Kyle will make a calendar for church use, and share it with the Vestry.
Nominating Committee: Deb will assemble the Nominating Committee for Warden and Vestry.
VOC from Anthony:
Val moved that the Vestry authorizes Tom Foster to give his money in our name to support the Witness Palestine Film Festival. Motion was seconded by Jim. This motion passed with one abstention.
Action items:
1. Ruth and the Wardens will meet with A Meal and More to discuss changing time or day of the week for the Sunday Meal.
2. Kyle and Jeremy will pursue the conversation about a media survey concerning changing the 11:00 Sunday Service time; is there internal or external data already available?
3. Kyle, Val, and Steve Iaia will do some crash door research, as in replacing at least the front door.
4. Kyle will make a church use hours calendar and share it with the Vestry.
5. Deb will assemble the 2022 Christ Church Nominating Committee
Closing Prayer: Jeremy Cooney
Respectfully submitted by Dave Jutsum, clerk of the Vestry.