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Front Page


Front Page

Christ Church Rochester

141 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14604 - LENT 2025

Our cover is Lenten Vibe ©2021 V. Jutsum

The Song -a news magazine -issue 51

Our website is www.christchurchrochester.org


Christian Worship in the Episcopal Tradition Sunday Morning: Holy Eucharist- 8:00 am & 11:00


For parking info: https://songforchristchurch.org/map-directions-parking

Parish Announcements, Future Events, and Requests for Prayers in the QR code link.

Bishop Kara Wagner Sherer’s first visit to Christ Church Rochester Tap the image above to see that event ↑

Our website is www.christchurchrochester.org

The 8:00 am Sunday service of Holy Eucharist, is in the chapel, is spoken, leans in the direction of Rite I, and is without music. The 11 am Sunday service of Holy Eucharist is in the larger sanctuary, is Rite II, sung, is full of world-class music, and incense on occasion. The 11:00 am is live-streamed online, also. We encourage you to visit our YOUTUBE channel and explore. https://www.youtube.com/@christchurchrochester8549/streams

Remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE !!!

Other opportunities to join us


Compline is happening, Sunday nights at Christ Church!

Compline is sung by the Christ Church Rochester Schola Cantorum on Sunday evenings at 9:00pm. You can visit the Schola YouTube page here: https://youtu.be/GnDsWPXQS3w Compline is the perfect way to end the weekend and you can enjoy the experience every day by tapping on one of several audio files further down below (in blue) on this page to watch and listen. Your heart will thank you.

Monday 10:00 am Morning Prayer Rite 1 (ZOOM)

↓ Click the link in the blue box below ↓

Monday 11:00am Zoom Bible Study-

The Zoom Group meets on Monday mornings at 11:00. If you would like to be included in the Zoom invitation to the Bible Study, leave us a comment from our CONTACT page. Every week, we read a little together, we raise questions, and we discuss a lot of suggestions. Very stimulating conversation!

Tuesday Pipes- 12:10-12:40-

A World Class organ concert at lunchtime every Tuesday

Thursday 7:00 pm Evening Prayer Rite 2 (ZOOM)

↓ Click the link in the blue box below ↓

Tap on the bricked of Lego Dave to learn more.

A New Children’s Choir at Christ Church Sunday,  right after the 11 am service. 

Dear Christ Church Parents and Guardians,

         My name is Andrew Johnson, and I am the assistant organist at Christ Church. Additionally, I will be leading the new Children’s Choir here. This is a fun and rewarding way for youth to be involved in Christ Church’s liturgy and we would be delighted for your children to be a part of this ensemble! The choir will be geared towards children grades K-3, incorporating singing and movement through engaging activities to teach basic musicianship skills.

            Weekly rehearsals will be in the second-floor nursery for 20 minutes on Sundays directly following the 11:00 Holy Eucharist. Regular communications and reminders will be sent to parents and guardians via email. Please feel free to contact me if you have a child interested in participating or if you have any questions about our program. Thank you!


Andrew Johnson, director


more contact info


Meet Andrew Johnson

winner of the VanDelinder prize- Assistant Organist

Andrew Johnson is thrilled to be joining the music staff as Assistant Organist at Christ Church Rochester! Originally from Bloomington, IL, Andrew is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts in Organ Performance and Literature at the Eastman School of Music, where he will study with David Higgs and serve as Teaching Assistant in Aural Skills. His passion for sacred music extends to his roles as an organist, pianist, vocalist, composer, and conductor, and he looks forward to collaborating with other devoted musicians in the vibrant music ministry at Christ Church: Soli Deo Gloria!

Before coming to Eastman, Andrew earned a Master of Music and Graduate Performance Diploma in Organ from the Peabody Conservatory of The Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Illinois Wesleyan University. His recent church appointments include Organist/Choirmaster at Mount Calvary Catholic Church in Baltimore, MD and Organist/Choir Director at Wesley United Methodist Church in Bloomington, IL. When not playing or singing, Andrew enjoys reading, nature, and spending time with family and friends.

Andrew Johnson (he,him)

Assistant Organist

Cobbs Hill ©2006 T.Jutsum


^ Meet James Jeffery ^

VanDelinder fellow

James Jeffery is a second-year undergraduate Organ Performance major in the studio of David Higgs at the Eastman School of Music. He previously studied with Daniel Brownell at First UCC Milford, CT. He has held the position of Director of Music at Calvary St. George Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, CT. Most recently, he was a Choral Scholar in the Bass section here at Christ Church. He has expertise as a pianist, drummer, clarinetist and composer, writing primarily in the classical tradition in addition to hobby projects in musical theater and instrumental hip-hop. He is very excited to be returning to Christ Church this year in the capacity of VanDelinder Fellow and is looking forward to making music with Stephen and the rest of the top-notch team here! 

Jazz improv ©2005 T Jutsum

Meet Dominic Fiacco

VanDelinder fellow

Dominic Fiacco started playing the organ in 2012. He attends the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York as an organ performance major in the studio of renowned organist Nathan Laube. 

His interest in the organ began when he attended a recital at First Presbyterian Church in Utica, New York, after which he was invited to try the instrument. Shortly thereafter, he took up lessons with Stephen Best, organist at First Church and lecturer in music at Hamilton College. Best would continue to mentor him throughout high school.
Fiacco has given many recitals, notably at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City and at the Cadet Chapel at West Point, home to the world’s third largest organ. He attended several summer intensives in Philadelphia, where he performed in Field Hall at the Curtis Institute of Music and on the Wanamaker Organ in Macy’s, the second largest organ in the world. 

In January 2023, he played the dedicatory recital on Hamilton College’s new organ and later appeared with the Hamilton College Orchestra as organ soloist. He was also named to the 20 under 30 Class of 2023 by The Diapason, the oldest scholarly journal devoted to the organ in the United States. The highly respected list recognizes “young talents in the fields of organ and harpsichord performance [and building,] carillon, and church music.”
Fiacco began piano lessons at the age of four, currently studying the instrument at Eastman. His prior piano teachers include Sar-Shalom Strong, lecturer in music at Hamilton College, who taught him throughout middle and high school. In addition to winning prizes in several piano competitions, Fiacco has also performed numerous times on the Society for New Music’s Rising Stars programs on both piano and organ. Fiacco intends to become a concert organist.

Sunday night Compline can be experienced every Sunday from October 6, 2024 - April 27, 2025

Click the image of Schola to hear the story. ^

WXXI acknowledges the 25th anniversary of Compline on Sunday nights October-April.

Click on the image-link above to hear the story and get a feel for why so many people use this spiritual space to end one week and start the next.

News 8 Now story can be seen by clicking the image link here.—>

<———For the sheer fun of it…

The Liturgy Rap- Anthony Letchworth


This photo appears in the April edition of Crux est Mundi Medicina, the newsletter of Holy Cross in West Park, NY. It includes our own aspirant, Anthony Letchworth

http://www.christchurchrochester.org - our website

https://www.facebook.com/ChristChurchRochester/ - our Facebook page

The Rt. Rev. Kara Wagner Sherer- Bishop

Stephen Kennedy - Music Director

Christ Church announcements, prayer request list, and full calendar- click the image link above.

Informing, Transforming, and Singing: 1st Sunday Candlelight Concerts, and Compline with Schola Cantorum

Singing and transforming: Compline with Schola Cantorum

Make this the joyous end to your weekend: Compline, preceded by the first Candlelight Concert. The Candlelight Concert begins at 8:30 p.m.; Compline begins at 9 p.m. Both events take place at Christ Church, 141 East Avenue.

Compline is performed by Schola Cantorum and directed by Stephen Kennedy, Director of Music and Organist of Christ Church Rochester, Instructor of Sacred Music at the Eastman School of Music, and Instructor of Organ for Eastman’s Community Music School. In 1997, he founded the Christ Church Schola Cantorum to perform the Office of Compline each Sunday at Christ Church.

This acclaimed ensemble of voices and Renaissance instruments specializes in the performance of Plainsong, motets of the Renaissance and Romantic eras, as well as contemporary music and improvisation. The group has been featured in various national radio broadcasts, appeared in international festivals and concerts, and collaborated with ensembles such as the Boston Early Music Festival Chamber Ensemble, and Ensemble Weser-Renaissance Bremen. The Schola has recorded for the Arsis and Loft labels.

We asked Stephen for his thoughts as this tradition enters a 25th year:

When I founded the Schola Cantorum in 1997, I never imagined that it would have developed into an ensemble with such transformative impact through high-level music making. What grew out of a desire to teach others to perform Gregorian chant from medieval notation is now a performance laboratory where we experiment and grapple with performance practices of many styles of music. These processes afford us choices that expand the expressive possibilities of our performance.

Making Schola Cantorum sing: Stephen Kennedy


The Schola is presently comprised of singers, Renaissance sackbut players, an organist, and cornettist — all of whom get to perform to hundreds of people each week. We perform sacred chant, renaissance polyphony, romantic and contemporary works, choral improvisation within the ancient monastic office of Compline at Christ Church on Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. (October-April).  Compline is performed entirely of music by candlelight. Members include Eastman and U of R faculty and students, RIT faculty, and Rochester-area musicians. Participation in the Schola is also offered for course credit at Eastman. 

Members who have graduated from Eastman regularly let me know that Schola was one of the most important and fulfilling opportunities they encountered while in Rochester. Former members are now freelance performers, composers, notable church musicians, and those who hold important teaching positions around the country. We all look forward to Sunday nights when together we discover deeper hidden powers in music performance that transform us and those who experience our music making.

Every Sunday from October through April at 9:00 p.m. – Compline by the Christ Church Schola Cantorum, Stephen Kennedy, director

Candlelight Concerts precede Compline on first Sundays at 8:30 p.m.

Compline and Candlelight Concerts are supported by Christ Church “Friends of Music”

Notable (Bragging Rights!)

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Archived Compline performances by the Christ Church Schola Cantorum, Stephen Kennedy, Director

Weekly compilation videos from current and past Compline liturgies became available on YouTube beginning on Sunday, March 7 at 9:00 pm. with new videos weekly.

They featured works by Byrd, Monteverdi, Palestrina, & a new setting of the Te lucis ante terminum by Stephen Kennedy

Compline, performed live in the church, is an event October - May, 9:00 pm Sunday evenings .

The links here connect to all the videos that were published because the Covid19 pandemic made in person events impossible. Listen and watch as often as you wish.

Vine and branches motif in tile representing John 15:5 Click on the image link to read the minutes from the last vestry meeting or click the button below.

Our newest acolyte

The coffee hosts of pop-up coffee hour

The tall and short of it.

A charming example of life at Christ Church Rochester is a reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Romans read by Elizabeth Dugdale with an assist from her child.

“And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

Nancy Norwood

Lisa Pigut

Dan Meyers

Kristy Liddell

Four Parishioners talk about the reasons they love Christ Church Rochester-Stewardship Campaign 2021

Wednesday Evening Prayer smiles

Wednesday Evening Prayer smiles

Click on the image-link above to visit the In Memorium page

Black Lives Matter at Christ Church Rochester


9:00pm Sung Compline - Sunday evening (October-May)

Monday Morning Prayer on ZOOM:

go to our website for the Zoom link- https://christchurchrochester.org

Tuesday Pipes- 12:00 noon- A World Class organ concert at lunchtime every Tuesday

Thursday Evening Prayer on ZOOM:

go to our website for the Zoom link- https://christchurchrochester.org

Thursday- 12:00 noon Holy Eucharist (spoken) in person; in the chapel